@Diest TKO,
Since the Mormons baptize by immersion, it is safe to believe that the baptism is done in the Mormon church or temple in a ceremony private to the Mormons and not at graveside. It is done by a Mormon being baptized (immersed) on behalf of the departed. I know many of my ancesters--none of them Mormon--are included in the extensive Mormon geneology database, but if the Mormons have baptized any of them, none of us were ever advised of it.
One of the components of the Mormon stated belief illustrates their special affinity for the Jews:
Quote:We believe in the literal gathering of Israel and in the restoration of the Ten Tribes; that Zion (the New Jerusalem) will be built upon this, the American continent; that Christ will reign personally upon the earth; and, that the earth will be renewed and receive its paradisiacal glory.
Further members of the Mormon church see themselves as inducted into one of the tribes of Israel. They see a special connection between themselves and the Jews. And they do see the act of baptism on behalf of the dead as a loving and compassionate act.
Now of course since the Jews, so far as I know, do not share any of these beliefs, I still don't see where there is any more offense in their beliefs than there are of some fundamentalist Christian groups (including the Mormons) that are certain that people like me are going straight to hell and who pray for my immortal soul. Since I don't believe as they do, I can't see how that has any affect on me of any kind.
But I could be missing something here and am always open to learn something new.