Fri 7 Nov, 2008 02:49 pm
In one of the Muppet movies Kermit was talking about all of the little frogs hobbling around on crutches.I'm trying to find this quote for someone on video. I tried Youtube with no luck. Thanks for any help!
@Victor Murphy,
Ah isn't this about the fast food guy who sells fried frog legs.
@Victor Murphy,
There was a cartoon in the NEw Yorker Magazine several years ago. It showed a restaurant kitchen where a frogs legs sign was displayed. There were several frogs leaving the kitchen on those flat carts that Eddie Murphy had in "Trading Places"
@Victor Murphy,
Doc Hopper's french fried frog legs.
I'm kinda muppet vid familiar, but was unable to find a clip with the little froggies.
(do remember the scene however...)
@Victor Murphy,
Let's see if this one works, Victor
I've seen that cartoon before!
Charles Durning played 'Doc Hopper' ie Col Sanders in the 1979 Muppet Movie.
The Muppet Movie (1979)
Max Krassman: It is important to remember that you have to hold on to your hat
Doc Hopper: What for?
Max Krassman: When a German scientist tells you to hold on to your hat, it's not casual conversation. HOLD ON TO YOUR HAT! HAT! HOLD! Good.
Doc Hopper: Listen, we're a small business but we've expanded. Expanded! Just like you frogs expand. Don't you frogs expand?
[puffs his cheeks]
Kermit: That's a myth.
Doc Hopper: What?
Kermit: Myth! Myth!
Myth: Yeth?
Kermit: Huh?
[same with Fozzie]
Kermit: [to Fozzie]
Kermit: C'mon, bear, burn rubber!
[after Fozzie speeds off from the TV shop]
Doc Hopper: Max! Follow that frog!
[Max drives off leaving Doc Hopper behind]
Doc Hopper: [screaming] Max!
[Max stops and reverses the car]
Doc Hopper: Follow that frog with *me* in the car!
Doc Hopper: Hey frog! That's the second time! Max, I've done my best with that frog, now it's time to do my worst. Open the door.
Max: No! YOU open the door!
Doc Hopper: What?
Max: I'm through, Doc. The frog is right. You're asking him to do something terrible. I can't be a part of it. It's a moral decision and I'll stand by it.
Doc Hopper: I'll double your percentage.
Max: I'll open the door.
Doc Hopper: No frog's gonna make a monkey out of me!
Kermit: Go ahead and kill me.
Doc Hopper: Alright boys. Kill him.
Doc Hopper: [pointing to a billboard showing a bucket of "Doc Hopper's French Fried Frog Legs"] Isn't that splendid? Just splendid! Just take a look at it.
Kermit: All I can see are millions of frogs with tiny crutches.
Doc Hopper: This is Snake Walker. Tell 'em what you do, Snake.
Frog Killer: [removes his sunglasses] Kill frogs.
Doc Hopper: Remember, Max, we're looking for a frog and a bear in a tan Studebaker.
Max: [sarcastically] Gee, Doc, all I see is a frog and a bear in a rainbow-colored Studebaker...
The cartoon was originally from National Lampoon:
NatLamp had the best, funniest, sickest cartoons ever.
And the best covers.....