That was my point, exactly. You guys were using 115 mph, and that would require maximum drag, which in turn requires technique. On my first jump; even after spending the morning training, and jumping with 2 pros; it still took 5 or 6 seconds just to assume the proper position. Had I been alone and straightened my legs and/or moved my arms to my sides; or pretty much done anything but relaxed in the spread eagle position; I'd be traveling faster than 115 mph. Had I jumped off even the tallest building; I would have met the earth well before reaching Terminal Velocity (though it may have proved "terminal".)
I am not sure what we are disagreeing about then , as my fast and very dirty basic program gave a result of 800 feet to reach 90 percent of terminal velocity and only a handful of buildings in the world would give you a chance of acheiving that distance of fall.
Now a TV/RADIO tower can reach well over 1200 feet, as I can remember once flying my little MX ultralight over the flat near sea level surface of South Florida at around 1100 feet and being very surprise to fly by a radio tower who top was still a few hundred feet above me.