Ah, but you are married? Have offspring? Surely yoyur spouse has supported you in an emotional way?
In other words-- those people who get support might not have the soundest relationships with their parents, siblings, spouses etc, but they still have relationships with them.
Their egos are such they know how to get what they need for their art to continue. In many respects, this means having fake friendships for personal gain.
I've seen this in the most ruthless way with writers.
An exception to this is a woman I used to work with who went through a creative writing program, she was without pretense and guile, who pretty much became paralyzed by her depression. She ended up choosing the medication option, which helps her function day-to-day.
On the opposite end, I know another creative writer who will do anything to keep herself going-- she's ruthless, pretty phony. She'll bad-mouth anyone on the planet until she needs something from them. That's the kind of support I'm talking about: the people who need to support themselves by some other means eg teaching, part-time jobs, because their creative pursuits are rarely recognized in the mainstream.