Sun 5 Oct, 2008 10:50 pm
The Man Who Stuck His Head Inside a Particle Accelerator
Quote:So with all the recent news about the Large Hadron Collider, many of you may have this nagging question: what, exactly, would happen if you stick your head in the particle accelerator?
Well, actually, we know the answer to that because someone did stick his head into a particle accelerator. Here’s the story of Anatoli Bugorski
Holy crapoli, Batman! I smell a new super-villian storyline!
There is probably some plastic surgeon already trying to find a way to market this as better than botox.
Seriously though, what an amazing story. That poor fella.....
@Robert Gentel,
Quote:From what we know about radiation, about 500 to 600 rads is enough to kill a person (though we don’t know of anyone else who has been exposed to radiation in the form of a proton beam moving at about the speed of sound). The left side of his face swollen beyond recognition, Bugorski was taken to a clinic in Moscow so that doctors could observe his death over the following two to three weeks.
Speed of sound doesn't sound fast at all. Maybe a misprint?
I noticed that, too, rog'. Do they mean speed of light? But that seems awfully fast.