The economy is good? Cut taxes! The economy is bad? Cut taxes! Taxes are too low? Cut taxes!

cicerone imposter
Reply Sat 4 Oct, 2008 09:49 pm
My FICO score is 802; will I be receiving more card offers? LOL
Reply Sun 5 Oct, 2008 01:46 am

it seems so strange to me that middle class and lower income republicans
get so freaked out by the idea of those making over $250k paying a little bit more.

I do not want my government going around committing (financial) rape
( nor " a little " rape, as u choose to put it ).
Government has never had any authority
to discriminate against any American based upon the degree his success.
There is NOTHING in 16th Amendment that allows such discrimination.
EVERYONE shoud pay the same rate,
except that above some limit, it shoud be deemed
that a taxpayer has already paid for all government services
that can be rendered for him, and there shound be a maximum cut off.


i mean, think about it. how many republicans here on a2k make over $250k?

That is like asking Y we shoud care about rape and murder
since so few citizens are raped or murdered.

how many people do you personally know make more than that?
how likely is it that you will ever make that much?

How likely is it that I want a government to rule
by USURPATION of ultra vires power ?


but i guess it's okay. let's just keep cutting taxes until the country is totally in the dumper.
then we can all pat ourselves on the back for killing the goose that lays the golden egg.

The citizens lay the golden eggs; government just STEALs them.


Reply Sun 5 Oct, 2008 01:52 am

It won't matter how precise you are.
Those that choose not to get it, won't.

This is very true.
This reveals the innermost nature of liberalism and dishonesty:
simply turning one 's eyes away from inconvenient facts
so as to continuing to (emotionally) justify their cherished beliefs.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 5 Oct, 2008 12:06 pm
OmSigDAVID wrote:


it seems so strange to me that middle class and lower income republicans
get so freaked out by the idea of those making over $250k paying a little bit more.

I do not want my government going around committing (financial) rape
( nor " a little " rape, as u choose to put it ).

ya really like that code editor, don't you? no need to yell all the time, dude.

okay, here's my point of view; what you call rape i call leveling the playing field. probably not for the same reason as some, though.

consider this; people who have a much higher income than your beloved palin' s "joe sixpack" also have access to a number of tax loopholes that 'ol joe doesn't.

the obvious example; do you really believe that joe sixer has the where-with-all to have all of his pay sent to an account in the caymans? i sure don't.

and that's what i mean by leveling the playing field. you appear to believe that because some guy has more money than most, it's okay for him to dodge his tax liability while enjoying the same roads, streetlights, bridges, national parks, civil defense and other things that have made america a good place to live.

i don't. i call it cheating.

do you, for instance, make more than $250k a year? if not, and you are over 35 or 40 years old, it's highly unlikely that you will.

if you do, and make use of legal (for now) and/or shady tax dodges, then obviously you are part of the problem.

i mean really. if the republican battle cry of 2008 is Country First, then you should be happy to kick in your fair percentage to not kill the goose that laid a golden egg for you... and leave everyone else simple goose poop.
cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 5 Oct, 2008 12:22 pm
Well said; they don't recognize their own contradictions. Sad, but true.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 5 Oct, 2008 01:18 pm
I thiink you are just envious of OmSIg David, Dont tread on me. In our Society, people are free to earn as much as they can, if they have the skills. You appear to resent that. Do you know that Doctors in Germany, which is highly Socialized, are leaving that country en masse because they can make more elsewhere. Do you know that Doctors in Canada try to come to the USA to work because they can do much better here than in a country where there is Socialized Medicine. Do you know that Millions of people from every country in the world line up to come to the United States. IF THEY CAN, because even an immigrant or an immigrants son or daughter can prosper if they work hard?

But, I have some good news for you, when Gangbanger Obama is elected President, we will slip into our Socialized Paradise..but don't forget that we will then lose thousands and thousands of jobs because( and I dont know if you can understand this) Millions of Small Businesses and Thousands of Large Ones will either shut down or go off shore.

When that happens, Dont tread on me, I will remind you.

You really should do some reading, Dont Tread, If you did, you would discover that ENVY is the most corrosive and demeaning of the vices.
Reply Sun 5 Oct, 2008 01:51 pm
SYNRON wrote:

I thiink you are just envious of OmSIg David, Dont tread on me. blah blah, blah blah blah. blah, blah! blah blah blah...

You really should do some reading, Dont Tread, If you did, you would discover that ENVY is the most corrosive and demeaning of the vices.

you presume too much, enron.

your scenario is what ******* got us to the situation we are in. are you really so dense as to realize that you can't spend more than you take in without incurring debt.

are you such a flippin' idiot that you don't understand that a nation with the size, population and foreign policies of a super power like the usa requires a shitload of cash to just stay afloat?

or do you think the thing runs solely on flag pins, yellow ribbons and the goddamned bible?

you, of course will jabber about big government and cutting spending. bet ya have no interest in cutting the nation's single biggest money pit; iraq.

how about communism? you like the commies? maybe just a little? you must if you're willing to sell the usa to the proc on the installment plan simply because you feel so put upon by the concept of people (you) paying their share on a level field.

if not, you're just another preening pseudo patriot that is all about america until it's time to kick in your share of the tab.

it's not envy that is pissing me off here, i'm not a materialistic person. it's that lunkheads like you and the bizarre omsigdaveed have a sense of entitlement to the american dream without even reinvesting a little bit of your precious money. "in god we trust"? ****, try calling him down to lower the deficit.

but that's okay. i'm really interested to see how you break the laws of physics and manage to take it with you when you croak.

good luck with that.

for someone who habitually tells other people that they "should read more", you haven't got the good sense god gave a friggin' gopher.

Reply Sun 5 Oct, 2008 02:04 pm
All that writing and you said nothing,Don't tread. You won't ever admit you are envious of people likeOm SIg David, will you?

But, don't worry, when Obama, the savior, rescues us and talks all of our troops out of Afghanistan and Al Qaeda re-groups( If you don' t know that they are commited heart and soul to destroying the Great Satan, the Infidel, you don't know very much) and a part of New York or SanFrancisco or Los Angeles goes off because of a smuggled Nuclear Device, I will ask you about the price of liberty, freedom and LIFE. If the computer systems are working, that is.

You will probably be one of the biggest mouths complaining-_Why can't the US defend us. Where was the President. Obama will explain from his underground bunker( as he did when he was grilled about his friendship with the now convicted political fixer, Rezko-

I had known him for a long time(Ahmadinejad) and he had acted in an above-board manner with me.
Reply Sun 5 Oct, 2008 02:23 pm
SYNRON wrote:

All that writing and you said nothing,Don't tread. You won't ever admit you are envious of people likeOm SIg David, will you?

why should i do that if it's not true? your inability to understand what i say isn't my problem, it's yours.

But, don't worry, when Obama, the savior, rescues us and talks all of our troops out of Afghanistan and Al Qaeda re-groups( If you don' t know that they are commited heart and soul to destroying the Great Satan, the Infidel, you don't know very much) and a part of New York or SanFrancisco or Los Angeles goes off because of a smuggled Nuclear Device, I will ask you about the price of liberty, freedom and LIFE. If the computer systems are working, that is.

oh really? okay. 7 years, two wars a minimum of a trillion dollars with over 4000+ dead, +/- 30,000 wounded.

so where the **** is bin laden, then?

by contrast, the clinton government located, prosecuted and jailed those responsible for the first wtc bombing.

without the wars, deaths and costs.

You will probably be one of the biggest mouths complaining-_Why can't the US defend us.

because there was no money to fund the military after the communist chinese called in the big loan. because simple minded greedy jerks like you like to roll around naked in your piles of money. if you have any that is.

Where was the President. Obama will explain from his underground bunker( as he did when he was grilled about his friendship with the now convicted political fixer, Rezko-

do you recommend that he should instead continue reading "my pet goat" then? i don't remember you griping about cheney in a bunker or bushy flying around for hours after the 9/11 bombings.

but then, they are republicans, and that's all that counts to you, no? i have no problem with the president or vice president getting to a bunker in event of an attack. the pet goat part and leaving the citizens wondering wtf is going on... i have a big problem with that.

I had known him for a long time(Ahmadinejad) and he had acted in an above-board manner with me.

good christ... you really are a feeb. ahmadinejad is not the top dog in iran. you should really read more. i mean stuff that's not on the ticker on fox news or in the weekly standard.

all in all, i'd have to say that you are just a pedantic time waster. knock yourself out.

Reply Sun 5 Oct, 2008 05:33 pm
You envy of Om Sig and anyone who has a couple of dollars in his pocket shines through all of your posts.

War in Iraq? 7 years? 4000 dead--30,000 wounded? Do you know the US went to war with the Nazis and the Japanese in 1941 and that the US lost 292,000 DEAD with nearly 800,000 wounded?

A trillion dollars spent? Some think the money could be spent in a better way elsewhere. They may be right and they may be wrong but we will find out in the next four years when Obama kisses Ahmadinejad's( and. by proxy his controller- the Ayatollah) ass and a bomb goes off in New York, San Francisco or Los Angeles.

And, of course, all of the Trillion dollars spent was poured into the Tigris river was it not? NONE of it went to the factory workers who produced Billions of dollars of military goods in this country and, of course, our soldiers were not paid--they worked for free--and never got re-enlistment bonuses.

The Clinton government prosecuted those responsblefor the first wtc bombing? They slipped up on finding those who did the Cole bombing and the Embassy bombings. Slick Willie was too busy being serviced by Monica.

You, Dont Tread, will be one of the loudest moaners if a bomb goes off in one of our major cities during Obama's tenure( he will, of course, materially defund the agencies which protect us so he can give the money to the lazy brothers in the inner city). When that happens, you will scream --"Why can't President Obama protect us? The answer will be that he was elected by isolationists likeyou.
Reply Sun 5 Oct, 2008 05:34 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Of course, Cicerone Imposter told us he was worth 1,200,000. I hope he is not a mole on the Bush Payroll!
0 Replies
Reply Sun 5 Oct, 2008 06:29 pm
SYNRON wrote:

You envy of Om Sig and anyone who has a couple of dollars in his pocket shines through all of your posts.

War in Iraq? 7 years? 4000 dead--30,000 wounded? Do you know the US went to war with the Nazis and the Japanese in 1941 and that the US lost 292,000 DEAD with nearly 800,000 wounded?

A trillion dollars spent? Some think the money could be spent in a better way elsewhere. They may be right and they may be wrong but we will find out in the next four years when Obama kisses Ahmadinejad's( and. by proxy his controller- the Ayatollah) ass and a bomb goes off in New York, San Francisco or Los Angeles.

And, of course, all of the Trillion dollars spent was poured into the Tigris river was it not? NONE of it went to the factory workers who produced Billions of dollars of military goods in this country and, of course, our soldiers were not paid--they worked for free--and never got re-enlistment bonuses.

The Clinton government prosecuted those responsblefor the first wtc bombing? They slipped up on finding those who did the Cole bombing and the Embassy bombings. Slick Willie was too busy being serviced by Monica.

You, Dont Tread, will be one of the loudest moaners if a bomb goes off in one of our major cities during Obama's tenure( he will, of course, materially defund the agencies which protect us so he can give the money to the lazy brothers in the inner city). When that happens, you will scream --"Why can't President Obama protect us? The answer will be that he was elected by isolationists likeyou.

i was wrong. you're not only a pedantic time waster... you're a complete lunatic to boot.

see ya 'round. not.
Reply Sun 5 Oct, 2008 06:48 pm
Wow- what a rebuttal. That tells me that you either do n ot have the facts to rebut me or you are not equipped to do so. I'll give you a suggestion. Put me on ignore. That way you wont have to read me and then even if I set up some arguments you are unable to answer, you won't know about it. But I won't put you on ignore. I don't do that because unlike some of the pusillanimous posters on these threads. I fear answering no one. I maynot top their arguments but it doesn't happenvery often
0 Replies
Reply Mon 6 Oct, 2008 12:05 pm
It is very short sighted to cut taxes especially if that impacts on Education spending. Many governments have programs which materially aid good students. The only way we can stay ahead of nations like China and India who have huge populations and can produce much more cheaply than we do is to keep a clear advantage in our intellectual capital.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 6 Oct, 2008 03:52 pm
OmSigDavid-- How do you avoid being put on Ignore? Almost all of your posts shows the LIBERALS how stupid they are.

Do you have a secret? But never fear, Om Sig, as long as you are posting and several other conservatives are posting that are not so afraid of ideas that they soil themselves in fear when they encounter them, I will seek you out and the others out.

Cheers- Om Sig.

As I said to Occom Bill, who fears responding to me, --

Your proposals of blocking out all Conservatives that don't agree with you are reminiscent of Dr. Goebbels, who, as I am sure you know, met daily with the editors of German newspapers to tell them what to print and what not toprint.
Reply Mon 6 Oct, 2008 07:58 pm
OmSig David--I am afraid you willl have to wait a couple of years before that will happen since the ghetto kid, Obama, may well be our next President. But he won't be mine and I will fight him with every ounce of my being especially if he makes any moves to take away my guns. I hope you will alert your friends to the bad couple of years that may be coming.

The Israelis suffered through some bad early years. I think we can suffer through a couple. But lets not forget --as Churchill said --WE SHALL NEVER SURRENDER!
0 Replies
Reply Mon 6 Oct, 2008 08:01 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Are you bragging or complaining. It shows that you have insufferably bad taste---laying out your personal finances for all to see on these threads. Most of the Asians I have met are modest,nice people. Did that radiation go to your head?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 7 Oct, 2008 03:52 am
OmSigDAVID wrote:


it seems so strange to me that middle class and lower income republicans
get so freaked out by the idea of those making over $250k paying a little bit more.
I do not want my government going around committing (financial) rape
( nor " a little " rape, as u choose to put it ).

ya really like that code editor, don't you?

No, I DO.
Its handy; it aids in clarity of self-expression.

no need to yell all the time, dude.

I seldom yell,
and I did not do so on this thread.
Coloration is indicative of what the poster has in mind; (like using an arrow).
It can obviate need for too many words
and it can clarify a poster 's points, thus avoiding misunderstanding.

okay, here's my point of view;
what you call rape i call leveling the playing field.
probably not for the same reason as some, though.

Regardless of whether " leveling the playing field "
is good or bad: government was not created to DO that,
nor was it ever given authority to do so.
Hence, if it proceeds to do so anyway,
this is only by USURPATION of ultra vires power.
Regardless of whether u need to practice better oral hygiene,
the US Mailman has no jd to force a toothbrush between your jaws.


consider this;



people who have a much higher income than your beloved palin' s "joe sixpack"
also have access to a number of tax loopholes that 'ol joe doesn't.

the obvious example; do you really believe that joe sixer has the
where-with-all to have all of his pay sent to an account
in the caymans? i sure don't.

A loophole is an exception written into the statute.
What u described is illegal tax evasion.
(I m not condemning this as being BAD;
I just point out that if the IRS detects this,
there may be unpleasant consequences.)

and that's what i mean by leveling the playing field.
you appear to believe that because some guy has more money than most,
it's okay for him to dodge his tax liability while enjoying the same roads,
streetlights, bridges, national parks, civil defense
and other things that have made america a good place to live.

I wish to point out the government is a tax cheat.
Nowhere in the 16th Amendment was it granted authority
to discriminate against American citizens upon the basis
of their financial success.
Everyone shoud pay the same amount,
the same as a toll to cross a bridge.
The middle class or rich shoud not pay more to enjoy the streetlights.

i don't. i call it cheating.
do you, for instance, make more than $250k a year?

I don 't choose to discuss my personal finances
in public with strangers;
I don t even discuss that with relatives at Christmas time

if not, and you are over 35 or 40 years old,
it's highly unlikely that you will.

What is your point ?

if you do, and make use of legal (for now) and/or shady tax dodges,
then obviously you are part of the problem.

Is there a problem ?


i mean really.
if the republican battle cry of 2008 is Country First,

McCain did not consult me on his adoption of that slogan.
It s not my idea.
I believe that every American citizen shoud do the OPPOSITE
of that and exploit the collective to the max.
A better slogan is: " Every man for himself and let the devil take the hindmost."



then you should be happy to kick in your fair percentage to not
kill the goose that laid a golden egg for you

Government (our misbegotten employee) does not lay golden eggs.
It merely ROBS the producers of theirs.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 7 Oct, 2008 04:50 am
you presume too much, enron.

your scenario is what ******* got us to the situation we are in. are you really so dense as to realize that you can't spend more than you take in without incurring debt.

Did he recommend deficit spending ?

are you such a flippin' idiot that you don't understand that a nation with the size, population and foreign policies of a super power like the usa requires a shitload of cash to just stay afloat?
or do you think the thing runs solely on flag pins,

yellow ribbons and the goddamned bible?

Did God damn the Bible ?
U have evidence of this ?


you, of course will jabber about big government and cutting spending.
bet ya have no interest in cutting the nation's single biggest money pit; iraq.

For MY part
(if I may comment on this)
I have withdrawn my support of this war,
effective as of when we overthrew Saddam.
I can see an argument for remaining there long enuf
to prevent him from re-instating himself,
but I no longer discern much threat of that.
The war (currently the brainchild of BOTH GOP & Demos)
is now only a giant foreign aid project in support of democracy in Iraq.
Enuf is enuf.

how about communism? you like the commies? maybe just a little?

I 've always loathed n abhored it,
but lately, I 've reconsidered, insofar as Red China (Pink China ?)
is concerned. Communism may well retard economic growth,
thereby slowing Chinese competition for oil. That 's good for us.

you must if you're willing to sell the usa to the proc [ ?? ] on the installment plan

What the hell 's " the proc " ??

simply because you feel so put upon by the concept of people (you)
paying their share on a level field.

A level field is like everyone paying the same toll
to cross a bridge. THAT 'S OK with me.


it's not envy that is pissing me off here, i'm not a materialistic person.

I am


it's that lunkheads like you and the bizarre omsigdaveed have
a sense of entitlement to the american dream without even
reinvesting a little bit of your precious money.

MY ways of "reinvesting" will continue to be personal.
My donations will be INDIVIDUAL and of my subjective election.

I don 't need the help of my employee, government,
in assisting me with those decisions.

Reply Tue 7 Oct, 2008 06:28 am

OmSigDavid-- How do you avoid being put on Ignore?

I don 't avoid it, but I don 't care about it, either.
As a libertarian, I don 't choose to extort attention.
I have no wish to coerce anyone to listen to pro-freedom ideas.


Almost all of your posts shows the LIBERALS how stupid they are.

Well, I polish their posts a little and then it shines out, by itself,
but the innermost essence of liberalism is DISHONESTY.
Sometimes thay can be clever in their deceptions.

The soul of liberalism is DEVIATION from an extant standard,
without overt repudiation thereof; ( that woud be radicalism).
For instance,
if someone dresses in a tuxedo to attend a wedding,
but wears red sneakers with the tux,
he is DEVIATING from the extant social paradime qua dressing,
taking a liberal interpretation thereof,
without being radical (he did not go there naked).

If a poker player rakes in the pot,
claiming to have a flush, when he has 4 spades n a club,
and when caught, he defends himself by saying:
" hay, don 't be too technical: THAT 's CLOSE ENOUGH.
I had tuff luck this week: my boss is mad at me
for leaving work early when he was gone,
I had a fight with my cousin, when he caught me picking his pocket,
and my left foot stinks, so lemme alone, and get your hands off the cash.
Its MINE because I had bad luck.
Have a heart. Don t be a bunch of ballbusters."
In other words,
the liberal endeavors to DEVIATE from the known rules of poker, for his benefit
or for the benefit of the people who he favors (like the poor)
hence, the liberal claims ex post facto that the rules of poker are amended
to include compulsory n mandatory compassion,
altho the other poker players did not know that, nor agree to it.
In contrast,
a conservative rigidly adheres to the established rules, inflexibly and regardless.
If he changes his mind, or acts differently,
then by so doing: he abandons conservatism.

or maybe try it this way:
Dad tells little Jonny that he 'd like him to come home by 11 pm,
and he 'll give him ice cream for doing so; Jonny consents and eats the ice cream.
He returns home before 11. Because there was no deviation
from the terms of the agreement,
no one took a liberal interpretation thereof and it was executed conservatively.
If, after eating the ice cream, Jonny returns home at 11:10,
claiming to have been "close enuf" to the agreement,
then he has applied a LIBERAL interpretation thereto.

If, after eating the ice cream, Jonny returns home at 11:30,
claiming to have been "close enuf" to the agreement,
then he has applied a MORE LIBERAL interpretation thereto.

If, after eating the ice cream, Jonny returns home at 6 a.m.,
claiming to have been "close enuf" to the agreement,
then he has applied an EVEN MORE LIBERAL interpretation thereto.

If, after eating the ice cream, Jonny returns home 7 weeks later,
claiming to have been "close enuf" to the agreement,
then he has applied a STILL MORE LIBERAL interpretation to the agreement.

If he leaves and NEVER returns,
or if he repudiates the agreement, he thereby takes a RADICAL vu thereof.


Do you have a secret?

No. I 'm open about it: its indifference.


But never fear, Om Sig,
as long as you are posting and several other conservatives are posting
that are not so afraid of ideas that they soil themselves in fear
when they encounter them,
I will seek you out and the others out.

I will consider it an honor, SYNRON.


Cheers- Om Sig.

Countercheers, SYNRON.
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