Hello, Paola.
And thank you, Sofia.
I have been off-a2k of late, what with Isabel and house guests from Cape Hatteras. Just checking in now, and am stunned and very saddened, but full of gratitude for the from the heart comments made here and on abuzz. I first knew her on abuzz, but not well as it wasn't until recently that I ventured into political forums. But reading just one of her posts was sufficient for me to know of her mind and passion. Heartened by the good company link to Mary and himself as well. Surely one of the very best, from here, or anywhere.
We'll all suffer from her absence.
Just dropped by to read the new posts. The tributes to mamaj are awesome! Thanks for sharing. c.i.
This is sad, indeed. Mamajuana was my political friend, my Abuzz friend, my e-mail friend -- I feel that the sun has gone dim today. And I agree that the best legacy she could leave us is "Keep up the good fight". That is what I would like to remember most about a good fighter, Mamajuana.
shoesharper, WELCOME to A2K. c.i.
shoesharper, great to see you. Sorry it is under such sad circumstances.
Interesting. Mary Pope has been on my mind since the "most embarassing moments" thread popped up here a while back. And with Mama's passing (I still can't believe it) I've remembered Mary Pope and Himself again.
Yes, indeed, littlek. And as the old Abuzzers age, there will be more.
Perhaps the best thing about wakes is re-encountering old freinds. Hi, shoesharper ... glad you decided to stop by.
Shoesharper...welcome.....and don't be a stranger. You are amongst old friends.
mamajuana's name on any thread was enough to draw me in, even if all I did was read her words and then move on. I always thought of her as knowledgeable, caring and personable.
I am so sorry to hear this sad news! I didn't know Mamajuana well, but I respected her and her observations of life. She was always pleasant and never derogatory, she had a smile for everyone, and kind words to reflect her smile.
We will miss her terribly!
Condolences to Mamajuana's family and dear friends, may she live on in our hearts forever!
I was very saddened to learn of the loss of Mamaj. A2K has lost a great lady.
I had better go on to another topic before I short out my keyboard.
Just had a very appreciative response from Mamaj's daughter to the idea of receiving a compilation of the posts in this thread. I'll be away for another week or so and when I come back I'll put the compilation together and send it along to her family. They most probably won't be surprised at the length and will be comforted, I believe, at the support everyone has shown. Keep up the good work!
I just learned of her passing and Im saddened.
From the abuzz days I loved her passion for all the things we want to believe about our country but never quite completely buy.
Himself, Mary Pope, Mamajuana, good guys all.
I'm saddened, too. She was a good internet friend and I wished we could have met.
Life sucks.
Someone please pass on my condolences to Mama's family.
Love and peace,
"Just Hatched" my ass.
JG fermented