Thu 18 Sep, 2003 01:24 pm
Our friend, Mamajuana, died last Monday afternoon. She had been in iffy health for years but game and very much a participant in our lives and in those of her family. About two weeks ago she contracted a bacterial flu-like thing which her doctor believed was a result of air pollution in northern NJ. Her heart gave up the fight. Her last email to me (if the times given are to be trusted) was written within half an hour of her death. So she was still with us all in mind and spirit until the end.
This is a hard post to click the "submit" button for.
I am in tears, literally. I really don't know what to say beyond that.
If anyone would like to leave a message or thought, I'll be glad to pass them along to her family.
Oh, no.
How old was she?
I am also deeply shocked and saddened by this.
I have to think a bit more about a message. Will write one.
Thank you for passing this on, Tartarin.
I am truly sorry to hear this news. We may not have seen eye to eye on much, but I had a deep respect for her opinions and convictions. I will miss her presence here.
One of the first things that comes to mind is that if she had been in ill health for a while, I wonder if she had any last requests? That memorials be sent to the candidate of her choice, for example? Like the lady in Wisconsin...
In terms of mamajuana herself (she's really gone?), I have found her to be wonderfully strong, spirited, loving (especially when it came to her family) and also acid-tongued. I have admired her unflagging enthusiasm and passion for politics... she could be relied upon to comment in the threads that made me roll my eyes and scroll on by. I have also appreciated, though, her thoughtful commentary on parenting.
So sad.
Do you know how her family is holding up?
I'm really very, very sad about this.
I know mama from Abuzz, we've emailed quite frequently.
Forever honour'd, and forever mourn'd.
(Homer, Illias)
I'm just hanging here in a state of shock, too. If y'all would let others know, I'll cut and paste individual responses into an email to her daughter. As for a memorial, I'd imagine she'd say, "Keep up the good fight!" Our last conversation-by-email was about setting up, in a usergroup setting, a series of "tough" conversations about liberal causes, ideas, errors, and how to prevail!
Tartarin, I wonder if you would like to change the title to reflect content? I notice that it isn't getting that many views, and I'm sure this is information that people are interested in. I confess that when I saw the title I thought it was just about some new political setback.
I know you were a good friend to her -- hugs to you.
Thank you for letting us know.
I had spoken with her in a couple of private messages. She was a New Jersey lady -- and we talked about a possible New Jersey gathering. But she did mention that she was not able to get around very well -- and it sounded to me as though she may have been in a wheelchair.
I will miss her comments and observations.
Suggest a title, Sozobe -- that might be a great idea! Or feel free to change it -- if you know how??
Yes, Frank -- I think Mamaj was semi-handicapped. She would write now and then about her personal joys and frustrations, but I didn't probe. She'd had a heart condition for some time, as I understand, and was limited, somewhat housebound. She had had a very, very interesting life -- one could tell that from the liveliness of her posts and she'd told me a little more about that. Vietnamnurse was one of her good friends and may be able to tell us more -- she has been away.
Shock and dispare. I thought she was an immortal force of nature.
Tartarin, just the basics -- "Mamajuana has passed away," for example. Just so people know what is in the thread by reading the title.
Yes, she did have a very interesting life, from what bits and pieces were dropped here. I only recently learned that she had twins and a toddler at the same time. No wonder she was so strong and capable!
Shocked. And deeply saddened.
I've been reading her writing for years and felt a kindredship to this wonderful woman.
Tartarin, please convey to her family our deepest condolences.
My heart is hurting.
That's one Joisy Goil that's gonna be sadly and widely missed. A2K, and indeed The Planet, are the poorer for her departure.
I would expect, from the impression I've gathered of her as a result of yearsof interaction with her on this and other forums, that she would prefer no particular partisanship to be characteristic of any memorial devoted to her. I sincerely doubt she'd appreciate being the focus of a Wellstonian frenzy.
A suggestion for a Topic Title Change: "Please Remember Mamajuana, whose unexpected passing saddens us all"
I'm sorry and sad that I did not know her better.
My regards to her family, and those that knew her well.