You have just caused an error that took the life of one of hardest working hamsters. But the good news is that we wrote down the error and will give it to our overlords so that they can figure out how to make it not happen again.
You have just caused an error that took the life of one of hardest working hamsters. But the good news is that we wrote down the error and will give it to our overlords so that they can figure out how to make it not happen again.
I did it when I was searching for Roger's most recent post. A rat search killed a hamster. I need to go to target practice.
Most of those wee innocent furries appear to have been killed by someone called Robert.
It just can't be OUR Robert, can it?
That hamster RIP site is...well, indescribable:
"Baby Hope
5/??/1998 - 5/??/1998
To Baby Hope who was given to us by a pet store in the hopes that we could save her after she was shipped by a bredder was to yound and contracted wet tail in transite. The kids and I named her Hope and loved her. She didn't make it to bad breeders are sometimes to concerned with money and not in well being. We loved you little Hope.
Submitted By: --- - "