Right wingers purchased Black people in Africa and sold them at a profit then maintained slavery, as a de jure institution until 1865 and as a de facto reality until after WWII. What about the personal freedom of those Black people?
And, changing the subject, pointing it at you, you clearly and obviously exhibit paranoia and it is extremely difficult to equate a paranoid with an apostle of personal freedom.
Furthermore, since the American right has regularly used the Bible to promote and defend their own immorality (see note on slavery in this post), the right abdicated any notion of personal freedom.
Finally, since the Enlightenment, it has been recognized that government exists and can only exist if certain adjustments are made . . . certain freedoms are relinquished for the greater good. One such sacrifice is the 'right' to drive at 100 mph on a residential street. After all, when two rights are in conflict, one is not a right.