Quote: Re: OmSigDAVID (Post 3401982)
i have no clue what he is meaning with his hand signal
and I'd bet 100 euros, he doesnt either..
Yeah; I bet u r right.
In the earliest years of my life,
I was intensely ignorant and even illiterate.
Gradually, that wore off.
Now, I feel a relapse of ignorance
insofar as some of those handsignals are concerned.
I saw Cher make that gesture to her audience on a videotape
I have of her in her "Believe" tour in Las Vegas. I always liked Cher.
I remember when she n Sonny first showed up on Dick Clark.
Anyway, she kept making that gesture to her paying audience.
I was wondering what it meant.
I 've seen it quite a lot in recent years.
I feel ignorant again.