Sat 13 Sep, 2008 08:12 pm
So, 2 days ago, I was driving my car, on the right side of the road, and I went to pull into a driveway. As I was pulling in, a biker was riding her bike going to wrong way on a bike path. I saw her going maybe 25-30 towards me as i was coming into the driveway. I slammed on my brakes, and she swerved, hit my mirror and flew off of the bike. Is this my fault? Or is it hers for going to wrong way, not yielding to a motor vehicle at a business intersection, and going too fast.
I don't know where you are, but where I live, bicycles always have the right of way. You'd have to check your local laws.
I think you're at fault. You left the road to pull into the driveway--and in doing so, YOU caused the biker to collide with your car. Regardless of whether you were crossing a bike path or a sidewalk, I believe you should have looked in all directions to make sure you weren't endangering anyone's safety--whether it be a bike rider or a pedestrian.
Hell yes it's your fault. There is no wrong way on any bike path I’ve ever seen and you certainly didn't have the right of way. Apologize for your poor driving and pay all damages, you narcissistic twit.
Im afraid that when it comes to pedestrians and bike the car driver is always the one to blame. But don't hit yourself to hard- just be more careful in the future! Thank god this time everyone is OK