My page does not say NEW POSTS, as relates to ALL TOPICS.
On all topics, it shows all the new topics that have begun, either for ALL TIME, BEGINNING with the top rated...
or during the MONTH, or THAT DAY.
It is NOT all 'posts'...
At least that is the way it is on MY computer.
When I GO TO A TOPIC begun Long AGO....
(for instance, Perpetual Limerick)
I can go to the last post or the first post... but I wont find such an OLD topic easily or AT ALL, in going to ALL TOPICS as I enter A2K. I get it from clicking on ORIGINAL WRITING or my tags.
Maybe I am saying something wrong, but I think All topics begins with what was entered the very latest date (today) and goes backward from there depending upon 'thumbs up and thumbs down' rating.
that is why Craven told us to go to what we like and rate it to keep it up top.
However, when not many like what " I " like ... tee hee tee hee tee hee...
and etc.