Reply Mon 25 Aug, 2008 10:01 pm
I 've had a lot of cats n dogs over the years n decades.
I 've never had much of a schedule, particularly.

I fed them when I thought of it; thay were OK with that. Thay got plenty of food.
I brought them a lot of gourmet food from NY 's best restaurants; thay were willing to consume it.
I fed them in the evening within a range of around 4 or 5 hours, like between 4 to 9 PM.
I noticed (repeatedly) that when I thought (merely THOUGHT)
" I 'll feed Mike now " without my moving, or even LOOKING at him,
he got up from the floor where he 'd been sleeping or relaxing,
and his ears perked up
and he looked me directly in the face. It was like Pavlov 's bell.
Both cats and dogs did that, many, many times over the decades.
Thay reacted so quickly when I got the idea, u might have thought I 'd shot off a gun.

Around 1955, I got a gray kitten, whom I named Smokey.
After about a week, he developed a minor medical condition,
requiring veterinary care. I made an appointment for Saturday morning.
He was nowhere to be found; after searching the house, I found him
hidden under some cloths in a closet; he had never gone into hiding before,
nor had he been in there. His vet requested another appointment,
a week later; Smokey did the same thing again. He never did it under any
other circumstances. I believe that thay r telepathic.

We know that big cats, in the wild, launch co-ordinated multi-pronged
attacks, including ambushes, upon their prey.
How do thay set them up ? I think its telepathy.

Vertibrate Paleontologists tell us that Velociraptors
employed co-ordinated attacks, also including ambushes.
More recently, thay have also attributed this characteristic to families of T-Rexes.
How did thay, how coud thay, communicate among themselves to set them up ?

Reply Mon 25 Aug, 2008 10:28 pm
There is no doubt in my mind that animals are telepathic. One time I was at a cemetary and two crows arrived. Soon several more crows arrived. After a half hour the place was swarming with crows. I felt I was in an Alfred Hitchcock film. How did they all know they were supposed to congregate there at that particular time? I have also had the dog/cat thing happen as well.

Even people are telepathic if we allow ourselves to see it.
Reply Mon 25 Aug, 2008 10:45 pm
There is no doubt in my mind that animals are telepathic. One time I was at a cemetary and two crows arrived. Soon several more crows arrived. After a half hour the place was swarming with crows. I felt I was in an Alfred Hitchcock film. How did they all know they were supposed to congregate there at that particular time? I have also had the dog/cat thing happen as well.

Thanks for the confirmation.


Even people are telepathic if we allow ourselves to see it.

On very seldom occasions, I have had a little something.
Like: years ago, when Leonid Brezhnev was the communist dictator,
a thought came to me of him giving a speech in Red Square.
In this idea, a big black bird landed on Brezhnev 's head
and evacuated his bowels all over it, and all over the papers from which he was reading,
thereby preventing him from continuing.
The next day, the Kremlin announced that Brezhnev was dead; i.e., prevented from continuing.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 26 Aug, 2008 02:06 am
Oh, I had one very strong telepathic experience with an ex-wife - and a fair number of possibles. So far as the animals go, I've always been able to explain it away with unvocalized clues.
Reply Tue 26 Aug, 2008 04:59 am
Oh, I had one very strong telepathic experience with an ex-wife -
and a fair number of possibles

now that u mention it,
u remind me of a young lady I was seeing in the mid-1980s; Arlene.
She and I used to finish one another 's sentences all the time.
Even my own mother did not do THAT.


So far as the animals go,
I've always been able to explain it away with unvocalized clues.

That 's understandable.
If I had a frequent facial expression,
or manual gesture, or twitch, that attended my decision to feed my
household cats or dogs, I 'd understand their reaction
(but even in such a case, when he is half asleep on the floor in the next room,
and I am in the kitchen when I decide to give him his dinner, and he reacts
REPEATEDLY, n habitually,
almost as tho he 'd heard a gunshot -- I gotta wonder.
Except for the fact that I kinda got used to it
because it kept happening, it was kinda mindblowing.

The point was that the dog or cat was not looking at me,
and that I was standing or sitting motionless
when I get the idea that this is a good time to feed him, or her,
(there being no regularly designated dinnertime)
followed by an immediate reaction, day after day, going on for YEARS. . . ???

It was as if I were ringing Pavlov 's dinner bell.

I also noticed (coud not help it) something a little annoying:
when I used to meditate indoors, my dog came over to me
and jabbed me with his snoot. I preferred to be left uninterrupted.
He was too regular in doing this to me.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 26 Aug, 2008 07:26 am
My dog is very sensitive to things. She is aware of my breathing rate and possibly even my heart rate. She is also aware of where I'm looking and of facial expressions. She hears things I can't hear and smells things I can't smell. All that adds up to some very impressive sensitivity and it's fun do think that it might be telepathy, but I don't think telepathy gives credit where credit is due.

Animals see the world differently than we do, and visa versa. I know when she needs to go out before she does because enough time has passed, or because I sense a change in her comfort level. I know when she's likely to be hungry or tired based on daily routines. I know when she's not feeling well because I recognize changes in her behavior and I can see it in her expressions. She's probably convinced I'm telepathic. Smile

Reply Tue 26 Aug, 2008 11:10 pm
My dog is very sensitive to things.
She is aware of my breathing rate and possibly even my heart rate.

That 's interesting.
How do u know this ?


She is also aware of where I'm looking and of facial expressions.

Well, I was referring to a situation
wherein my dog or cat was not looking at me, half asleep on the floor
in the next room, and suddenly gets up when the idea of feeding him
enters my mind.


She hears things I can't hear and smells things I can't smell.



All that adds up to some very impressive sensitivity and it's fun do think
that it might be telepathy, but I don't think telepathy gives credit where credit is due.

Any thoughts on how Smokey knew to hide (for the first time)
when it was time for his verterinary appt. ? Can looking at me
or sensing my heart rate indicate his visit to the vet ?


Animals see the world differently than we do, and visa versa.

I 'm sure that 's true.


I know when she needs to go out before she does because enough time has passed,
or because I sense a change in her comfort level. I know when she's likely to be hungry or tired based on daily routines. I know when she's not feeling well because I recognize changes in her behavior and I can see it in her expressions. She's probably convinced I'm telepathic

Any idea how lions in the wild set up their co-ordinated multi-prong attacks
upon their prey, herding them toward where other lions wait in ambush ?
How do u imagine that thay decide who is going to lie in wait where
and who will go this way and that ? and who will stay behind n guard the cubs ?

(not to imply that thay ALWAYS do it that way)
Reply Tue 26 Aug, 2008 11:26 pm
Our last little dog (RIP) was definitely psychic. He loved to go in the car - anywhere - even if just to back out of the garage. Mr. F told me one day to watch. He (Mr. F) silently concentrated on going to the car and making the short trip to the store. The dog was sleeping....he awoke....he head snapped up.....and then he went wagging to Mr. F begging to go with him in the car. This scenario, in various experiments, was repeated numerous times with the same results.

No way to explain it, at least in my mind, other than telepathic ability.
Reply Wed 27 Aug, 2008 12:12 am
Our last little dog (RIP) was definitely psychic.
He loved to go in the car - anywhere - even if just to back out of the garage.
Mr. F told me one day to watch. He (Mr. F) silently concentrated on going to the car
and making the short trip to the store. The dog was sleeping....he awoke....he
head snapped up.....and then he went wagging to Mr. F begging to go with him
in the car. This scenario, in various experiments, was repeated numerous times
with the same results.

No way to explain it, at least in my mind, other than telepathic ability.

U 've got me convinced;
thank u for a valuable contribution, FF.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 27 Aug, 2008 05:42 am
Any thoughts on how Smokey knew to hide (for the first time)
when it was time for his verterinary appt. ? Can looking at me
or sensing my heart rate indicate his visit to the vet ?

Yes. Animals (Dogs in particular) are very sensitive to patterns of behavior and expressions of their pack leader. The dog doesn't have to know she's going to the vet, all she has to know is that your pattern of behavior is different, and that your attention is on her/him. Then they react instinctively to that combination of events, some get excited, some get afraid, some get nervous, it all depends on the dog. But the point is, they're not reading your mind, they're reading you.

Lions hunt cooperatively by learning social behaviors from the pride. Animals don't need magic to do what they do. They have ears which hear low growls from a distance and noses which tell them where their prey (and their partner) is without seeing it.

Reply Wed 27 Aug, 2008 07:51 am
What do u think
of Foxfyre's post ?

Our last little dog (RIP) was definitely psychic.
He loved to go in the car - anywhere - even if just to back out of the garage.
Mr. F told me one day to watch. He (Mr. F) silently concentrated on going to the car
and making the short trip to the store. The dog was sleeping....he awoke....he
head snapped up.....and then he went wagging to Mr. F begging to go with him
in the car. This scenario, in various experiments, was repeated numerous times
with the same results.

No way to explain it, at least in my mind, other than telepathic ability.
Reply Wed 27 Aug, 2008 10:22 pm
What do u think of Foxfyre's post?

I think it's a very cute story. My dog loves the car too (even just to back out of the garage).

What do you think of FoxFyre's post?

Are you familiar with the historical record of "Clever Hans the horse"? Do you understand the significance of it?

Reply Wed 27 Aug, 2008 10:29 pm
Possible that Mr. F was sending subliminal cues of course. But the phenomenon occurred even if the dog could not see him. And that I cannot explain as a "Clever Hans the Horse' syndrome.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 28 Aug, 2008 01:41 am
I think it's a very cute story.
My dog loves the car too (even just to back out of the garage).

What do you think of FoxFyre's post?

I think that some animals, including cats n dogs, have telepathic abilities
and that Foxfyre's and my observations have taken cognizance thereof.
It was a long time before radio waves (being intangible) were discovered;
that ignorance did not interfere with their existence.
Again, predatory animals woud not have been able to organize
complex attack patterns, without communicating among themselves.
I doubt that thay do it by oral conversation.

Let us assume that the horse was influenced
by observed body language, as your link claims;
that does not address whether cats or dogs r telepathic.

Look at it this way:
suppose that John Smith sees a living animal who is a member of a
species that had been deemed extinct.

He reports his sighting, to a skeptical audience.
Soon thereafter some pranksters contrive a hoax concerning this animal,
creating a crude imitation thereof from materials at hand.
The hoax is discovered and both the pranksters and John Smith
are subjected to ridicule n scorn.

That has no effect upon the authenticity of Smith 's sighting
nor upon the existence of the living animal.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 28 Aug, 2008 05:42 am
Without reading all of the responses, yes.. animals are telepathic.

So are humans.

Cats seem to be more in tune then anything I have come into contact with, flies being the second. Yes . Flies.

Every bird I have had has been.. eh.. so so.
Dogs? well.. I have only been around a few , but they seemed a little.. "flooty" if that makes sense
0 Replies
Reply Thu 28 Aug, 2008 05:42 am
I believe there is an element of telepathy, but that for the most part, the animals watch us all the time. In general, my dog knows every move I make when at home. But, I have always used the element of surprise to give her meds and the like. Otherwise, she runs out the doggie door and refuses commands to come back in the house. She bears that in mind, when watching me, and at the slightest move that she associates with these surprises, she is outside and hiding. No telepathy there. She is constantly misreading my moves. When I seriously want to catch her, I simply block the exit before all else.
Reply Thu 28 Aug, 2008 05:47 am
Foxfyre wrote:

No way to explain it, at least in my mind, other than telepathic ability.

Its simple really.
You know how you can enter a room after there has been a big fight and 'feel the tension?"
Our bodies conduct electricity ( on small levels) and that is essentially amped up when we have an emotional experience.
Imagine being next to a very hot wire with no rubber casing. You could feel it , even to the point of having hair on your arms stand up..

Thats a human too.

When our energy changes due to thoughts, anticipation, pain, anguish, happiness etc.. our electricity amps up and others can feel it.
Dogs, cats ..... animals in general.. have no forethought that these feelings may be wrong, or any reason to block that kind of reception.
They get used to your energy pattern and recognize the familiar change in your body that signifies " car', or food, or bath or what ever it is that brings them something.

Put that same dog in a room with someone else and watch how he could NOT read them for a while. They could have car keys in hand almost, and your dog will not recognize their energy changes because he is not as familiar with their body language, their behavior, their 'feel' like he is yours.

It isnt SO much as a mystical telepathy.. as it is .. you dog knowing you in an intimate level.
Reply Thu 28 Aug, 2008 06:22 am
It isnt SO much as a mystical telepathy.. as it is .. you dog knowing you in an intimate level.

I guess we're going to have to define "telepathy", since I don't consider "subliminal awareness" as "telepathy".

0 Replies
Reply Thu 28 Aug, 2008 06:22 am
Dogs and people can do amazing things, but there has never been any credible evidence real telepathy anywhere.

There are currently several standing offers for millions of dollars for anyone who can demonstrate under scientific conditions, any form of telepathy (using the classic definition). Until someone can step up and claim one of those prizes then it's pretty obvious all the anecdotal stories don't stand up to clinical conditions.

Many MANY thorough scientific tests have been performed in the study of animal behavior and not a shred of evidence for telepathy has ever showed up, anywhere.

It's unfortunate that people can't give credit where credit is due; Animals have physical senses which are many many times more acute than ours are, and they are very smart. They don't need telepathy to do what they do, and neither do we.
Reply Thu 28 Aug, 2008 07:15 am
Dogs and people can do amazing things, but there has never been
any credible evidence real telepathy anywhere.

I disagree, the contents of this thread already having been some evidence,
but that aside, for the moment: absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

There are currently several standing offers for millions of dollars
for anyone who can demonstrate under scientific conditions, any form of telepathy
(using the classic definition). Until someone can step up and claim one of those
prizes then it's pretty obvious all the anecdotal stories don't stand up to clinical conditions.

I must dissent.
I believe that there is a flaw in your logic,
in that this is not obvious. U failed to consider the question of notice
to anyone whose dog or cat evidences telepathy. I had no notice thereof.
U did not prove that Foxfyre had notice of the cash offer, nor interest therein.
U also failed to consider the question of motivation:
someone in possession of good evidence has not been proven to have an interest
in that money, nor in the inconveniences of travel with the animal, etc.


Many MANY thorough scientific tests have been performed in the study
of animal behavior and not a shred of evidence for telepathy has ever showed up, anywhere.

U ask us to accept this allegation from u, based on FAITH ?
U 've included no evidence that this is true.
(I doubt that thay 'd all support u.)
Even if u DO,
that does not prove the absence of telepathy in animals,
in that we have no indication of how clever nor how careful and thorough
were the practitioners of any such test.
If someone tests for the existence of radiowaves next week
and he finds nothing, that does NOT disprove the existence of radiowaves.
He simply may be incompent.
U make me think of the congressman during the Abraham Lincoln Administration
who tried to abolish the Patent Office on the ground that it was obvious
that anything that was important had already been invented.

It's unfortunate that people can't give credit where credit is due;
Animals have physical senses which are many many times more acute than ours are,
and they are very smart.

They don't need telepathy to do what they do,
and neither do we.

OK; we agree about the extra acuity of animals' senses
(tho I see no misfortune). I believe that u shoud have been more precise
in your representations, failing to consider (as u have) that some of the animals
of whom we are speaking being asleep or half asleep and not looking
at their humans at the time of the reaction; thay reacted abruptly
when I got the idea to feed them, without my moving, nor my physically
doing anything different, and cats n dogs reacted abruptly, as tho
I had loudly called out their names, or as if I had run a can opener;
(I did not).

In other words,
regardless of how acute may be the animals' physical senses,
if there is nothing to sense because of no movement, no change
in the appearance of the humans, those physical animal senses cannot operate.


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