Quote: Dogs and people can do amazing things, but there has never been
any credible evidence real telepathy anywhere.
I disagree, the contents of this thread already having been some evidence,
but that aside, for the moment: absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
Quote:There are currently several standing offers for millions of dollars
for anyone who can demonstrate under scientific conditions, any form of telepathy
(using the classic definition). Until someone can step up and claim one of those
prizes then it's pretty obvious all the anecdotal stories don't stand up to clinical conditions.
I must dissent.
I believe that there is a flaw in your logic,
in that this is
not obvious. U failed to consider the question of
to anyone whose dog or cat evidences telepathy. I had no notice thereof.
U did not prove that Foxfyre had notice of the cash offer, nor interest therein.
U also failed to consider the question of motivation:
someone in possession of good evidence has not been proven to have an interest
in that money, nor in the inconveniences of travel with the animal, etc.
Many MANY thorough scientific tests have been performed in the study
of animal behavior and not a shred of evidence for telepathy has ever showed up, anywhere.
U ask us to accept this allegation from u, based on
U 've included no evidence that this is true.
(I doubt that thay 'd all support u.)
Even if u DO,
that does not prove the absence of telepathy in animals,
in that we have no indication of how clever nor how careful and thorough
were the practitioners of any such test.
If someone tests for the existence of radiowaves next week
and he finds nothing, that does NOT disprove the existence of radiowaves.
He simply may be incompent.
U make me think of the congressman during the Abraham Lincoln Administration
who tried to abolish the Patent Office on the ground that it was obvious
that anything that was important had already been invented.
Quote:It's unfortunate that people can't give credit where credit is due;
Animals have physical senses which are many many times more acute than ours are,
and they are very smart.
They don't need telepathy to do what they do,
and neither do we.
OK; we agree about the extra acuity of animals' senses
(tho I see no misfortune). I believe that u shoud have been more precise
in your representations, failing to consider (as u have) that some of the animals
of whom we are speaking being asleep or half asleep and
not looking
at their humans at the time of the reaction; thay reacted abruptly
when I got the idea to feed them, without my moving, nor my physically
doing anything different, and cats n dogs reacted abruptly, as tho
I had loudly called out their names, or as if I had run a can opener;
(I did not).
In other words,
regardless of how acute may be the animals' physical senses,
if there is nothing to sense because of no movement, no change
in the appearance of the humans, those physical animal senses cannot operate.