formed from dust
made a living soul
created in own image
Body [formed],
soul [made] and
spirit [created]...
Observably all living matter has a body of some form. Even light though thought of as an energy wave form still is considered also a particle with mass. All breathing matter has been "made a living soul", and some argue that the spirit is created within at some time after physical birth yet some believe that only in humans does/can the spirit reside.
Though theologians argue that humans are all born with the "spark of the divine". This seems like a type of religious appeasement. This is so some can't say well I have the spirit but others don't. I do not agree or disagree with this personally.
Also many confuse and interchange the word spirit with soul though most agree that soul is a lesser form of life than spirit. Where soul life is in the realm of the mortal and animals and most biology possibly even plants possess a soul (maybe even the earth).

While spirit life is in the realm of the immortal and it is believed that only humans can obtain this. How humans are created with spirit is another part of the story and a supposed gift of God.
1 Thessalonians 5:23 KJV
And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole
spirit and
soul and
body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Comment: The logic behind this is that if soul and spirit were supposed to be used interchangeably they would not both appear in the same verse.
Isaiah 43:7 KJV
Even every one that is called by my name: for I have
created him for my glory, I have
formed him; yea, I have
made him.
Comment: By the same token made and created must not also be synonymous if both words appear in the same verse.
Formed [body] is simple,
made [soul] is a bit more complex and
created [spirit] is bringing into existence something that has never been before.
I don't say that I believe or disbelieve any of this, I simply have been taught it and I reserve my judgment as a good agnostic should.