@Nick Ashley,
You need to define traffic before making a sweeping statement like "more than enough power in traffic." You probably have the perfect bike for city traffic, as it is as agile as it is fast. The metric changes when you get on, say I-95 between Palm Beach and Miami, FL when traffic is moving at a good clip. Some extra power could very well save your life when some oblivious texting or drunken moron without warning decides he wants to be in your lane without warning. In this traffic; use of a motorcycle's superior braking will result in Nick becoming a hood ornament on the car driven by the tailgating A-hole behind you (this part can practically be counted on, on that stretch of road. The extra acceleration in this situation should be thought of as just one more emergency option for the rider.
Craven's oncoming truck scenario is equally compelling. Sometimes it's enough to be able to accelerate faster than most every car... but it is quite something else to be able to effortlessly explode ahead of them in the blink of an eye. The bigger Ninja does this, effortlessly.
Cars too. If you've ever had the pleasure of driving a true sports car, you probably considered at least once; that if everyone drove one there would be far fewer accidents. I think this has more to do with the precise handling than power, but it all factors in.
Ultimately; I think it's hard to argue that more emergency options don’t equal a safer ride. Assuming a qualified driver, of course; it should be noted that on the bigger bikes a simple flick of the wrist could easily land the inexperienced rider in trouble he’s never coming out of.