hawkeye, I've never talked about getting rid of you. I've expressed that I don't get why you persist in arguing in a place where "the regime" made it "like China" and "impossible" to debate.
I, for one, don't mind having you around. I like to debate when I have the time and tend to disagree with you. Since you are a stubborn guy who likes debate it's something that can be fun every now and then if I want to waste my time.
I also don't really get why people get so worked up about you. I think you like it, and use it to validate your views when people overreact to you. For example, I think your views on rape are odd and that you go out of your way to imply that they may even be worse, but I didn't see you ever say anything to justify someone calling you a rapist. I
do think you get off on this delusional notion that your reason is right and merely "unpopular" like some unappreciated genius in the wrong century and wonder why people give you exactly that kind of over the top reaction. You like stirring up a mob mentality because the stupid (and especially emotional) reactions you get make you think your positions are more reasonable and logical.
I've seen it before, it's a very silly reverse appeal to popularity fallacy in which you seem to take validation of some kind from how unpopular you are and how unreasonable others take your controversially couched bait. Thing is, popular doesn't mean right, but unpopular certainly doesn't either and the validation you get out of dissent from the masses you like to think are too illogical, emotional or culturally blind is self-serving delusion. But it's your gig and well if they don't bring the pitch forks you don't feel as validated. You like feeling surrounded by a mob mentality because you feel more reasonable and set about to do it.
But that's your problem. I have no qualm with unpopular opinions, no qualm with arguing with the likes of you, and no real feelings either way if you stay. Nothing personal, but you neither upset me by your views nor engage me with your debate (due to that whole not debating well thing).
Now your forum martyr act, that's just lame and
does annoy me, but I as soon as things settle down I can go back to not even responding (I don't tend to be around the forums answering site complaints and questions due to the desire to have a life).
So you can also go about and debate just fine, and you know it. But you may have less of an ability to stir up a teeming mob of people angry at you. But that doesn't make debate impossible as you claim. That wasn't debate, that was just trolling for a negative response. Now you'll have to find other ways to get your kicks.