I haven't. You're right.
Put it on.
What's this "epigenetics" thing at Baylor College of Medicine in Texas?
DNA altered by lifestyle and tansmittable.
Could it be that tough working and living conditions causes a religious gene and lazy idle luxury eradicates it. The atheists in ancient Greece were from the non-working section of the population and that seems to be the case now as far as I can tell.
Is there any record of atheists founding monastic orders in which knowledge is husbanded and developed. Or do atheists pass away leaving nothing behind of future utility?
Anyway--what's your take on epigenetics?
That's expensive for cleaning a bit of birdshit off the car.
Is Baylor College of Medicine a joke?
Quote:Im more inclined to reword your initial question into, what is the evidence of the progression of life from its inception.
What do you mean by "Progression"?
Going forwards ros.
On to higher things.
Seeking the perfection your example drives us towards.