I get where you're coming from, David.
If you COULD end rape by doing this.... would you?
Personally, I think I would be willing to do just about anything
to end rape, especially rape of children.
THAT IS THE QUESTION of this thread, Boom.
If violence, fear, pain, dread, bleeding, scarring and STDs were
deflected AWAY
from living children into insensate photografic objects (i.e., child porn)
so that there were
FEWER rapes of children,
shud that be DONE ? or not ?
If so Y ?
If not, Y not ?
But would I offer my child as a sacrifice?
Would I allow my own child to sacrifice himself?
No. Absolutely no. Never.
Even if I knew that many people could be saved the horror, I still couldn't do it.
Please know that you are addressing a very, very selfish person.
From the age of 0, I have been very selfish and still am.
I 'd
NEVER consider
subjecting a loved one to
any abuse,
let alone the indignity of sexual abuse.
It is
UNTHINKABLE that any person of any age
be raped for the sake of photografy,
regardless of the motive.
In the opening post of this thread,
I said that thay
not be raped.
I do not suggest that children
engage in sexual intercourse with adults for purposes of photografy
( or any other reason )
but if rapes are reduced in number by children posing for nude
photografy (with no real sexuality) who are
well paid as models,
and who
FREELY CHOOSE to make some money this way,
the way adult nude models freely choose their jobs,
shud the long arm of the law interfere to prevent this ?
Quote:And, in a big way, that really does suck.
I guess there are some things that I am unwilling to sacrifice for any cause.
Even causes I really believe in.
Depending on
HOW u define "sacrifice"
I agree with u.
For my own part,
if I had a child who mentioned: "Hay, Dad
I got a part time job today.
Look, I got $1,000 for half an hour 's work.
Wanna see some pictures ?"
and it was limited
only to nude modeling
so I did not have to worry about STDs,
I do not believe that I 'd question her or his judgment.
Possibly, I might prefer that she or he have a bodyguard for future modeling.
might be mistaken about this;
I cannot be sure about my emotions
unless I actually HAD a child and it occurred.
I 'd probably feel safer if a son reported this new job to me,
rather than a daughter.
Thank u for a rational, well thought out post, Boom.