Fascinating article, Soz - and important stuff too!
On a personal aside though, sometimes I just come across these snippets from you...
Quote:I did not know that! I've used fertilizer once since we moved here (four years ago) and haven't had the heart to since. I dig up dandelions (I'm mostly fine with them but they're reviled by neighbors and so I do it before they seed to be neighborly) but I leave clover and violets/ johnny jump-ups.
and I just go, whoa - !
I mean - so weird to realise - you live in such a different world from me ... so much more posh... All planning about how much of the yard around your house to have as lawn, and what may or may not upset the fussy neighbours' conventions of the perfect, neat lawn (and then the illustration that went with the article!) ... like in some book or something!
And we're the same age and everything...
I cant even imagine, really - like, put myself in those shoes? I know that location is mixed in with it, like for example, Americans are much more likely to have a free-standing house, which in Holland is a sign of serious wealth... but still... It's kinda like reading some of the items in the community section of the New Yorker, you know, in the beginning? I read those and most are just interesting but some make me go, dude - who
are these people?
Anyway, that on an aside, happened to me a bunch of times now.. big world huh.