Wow you are truly privileged JL! How did you get that opportunity?
You must be old.
Anyway, I'm not going to take people just assuming a utopia is possible (the meaning, "no place" is a satire - ie there is no perfect place). I actually want people to put some thought into it. It's not just some vague, mystic concept. If it is possible, then certainly it can be perceived.
JL, I haven't read Island, but I think the concept is very interesting. Also I think a solution to the problem would be to eliminate all those outside the utopia (or "eutopia").
blakblak, yes I had that in mind in my original post (note the use of the word "transgenics", meaning genetically modified organisms.)
I disagree with your theory that goodness is relative. If everyone is above a certain point, there would be no conflict. There isn't going to be conflict just because there is variation.
As I have said before, desires, which are effectively human nature, can be suppressed or eliminated in a variety of ways. JL also added one to my list - "quasi-buddhist mental and social hygenics". I don't know exactly what that means, but it sounds fancy.