Reply Fri 4 Jul, 2008 06:33 pm
Who plays games and wy do people play games? Are they good for us? Do you think that playing video games is beneficial for you?

Our world is highly digital and technological, but still there are negative views about technology and its benefits. Is Gaming really that bad... we should adapt to this new era and be more relaxed about video games, There are many benefits of video games, some are even talking of incorporating it into the education system to assist learning. People who play games in this day and age would probably have done something similar in another age such as stamp collecting or checkers, Video games are an evolved version of games like chess and checkers there isn't much difference. So what is your opinion on Video games? Are they good for us? Are there any stats or information from studies that show video games are good for us?
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Type: Discussion • Score: 1 • Views: 938 • Replies: 11
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Reply Sun 6 Jul, 2008 04:06 pm
I love to play video games!

Lately I've been playing "Rock Band" and just had a interesting converstion with the staff at the music school where my son takes drum lessons.

The staff agreed that the guitar would never help you learn to play guitar and Mo's drum teacher said that the drum bit would never help you learn the drums but the guitar teachers said that they found the drumming on Rock Band really helped them with their drumming.

They all agreed that it is a good way to learn rhythm, concentration and dexterity though.

My brother is a general in the army and he speaks very highly of skills that people acquire by playing games. The hand eye coordination and quick thinking translate well into soldiering. Soldiers don't get "mulligans" though but most people grasp the difference between real bullets and video bullets pretty quickly.

I have read some reports that video games can be good for kids because of all of the problem solving they require. When I get a chance I'll see if I can dig some of that information back out.
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Reply Sun 6 Jul, 2008 04:39 pm
Yes, i've heard that playing video games can make surgeons reduce mistakes and perform operations faster. People should stop looking at all the bad things surrounding video games because I think even GTA can help people learn. Video games are surprisingly very difficult and require thinking, Video games probably require more brain power than TV so it would be better to let children play games rather than TV.

There is even talk of applying multimedia and gaming to the education system, it would surely help. Children's ability to pick up games and learn how to play them may translate into their ability to pick up concepts and learn to use them. Gaming would be a great tool for education. People need to stop whinging about technology, in the past kids would have spent hours collecting stamps now they spend hours playing video games. no one cared about stamp collecting so why should they care about video games. Video games give kids more mental stimulation than stamp collecting
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cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 6 Jul, 2008 04:50 pm
Good for eye-hand coordination.
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Reply Sun 6 Jul, 2008 04:57 pm
I'm 47 and confess that I prefer the games rated "E" and "T" to things like GTA which, I assume, is rated "M". I'm not that good at games though and get frustrated with the harder ones. My son is only 7 so I try to minimize his exposure to crime and violence; I don't really want him "playing" at running over prostitutes and stealing their money, stealing cars, etc.

But I do know that players come out with some skills and don't go out running over prostitutes and stealing cars.

Our two favorite games to play are Sly Cooper 2 and most of the Rachet and Clank series. In one you're a criminal and in the other you shoot everything. I know from playing with him though that he develops strategies to try to reach the objective, that he thinks things through, that he analyzes what went wrong on the previous try and how he might better solve the problem on the next try. And most importantly, he's having fun doing it and doesn't realize how much thinking he has to do.
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Reply Sun 6 Jul, 2008 05:13 pm
A quick search of "video games bad for you" yielded 499,000,000 hits; "video games good for you" yielded 1,070,000,000 hits.
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Reply Sun 6 Jul, 2008 05:20 pm
I don't know if "puzzles" count as video games but the Lady Diane spends hours every day working net puzzles and she enjoys every minute.
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Reply Sun 6 Jul, 2008 05:54 pm
I think puzzles count as do board games. (Does Diane do the boxerjam puzzles and games? Too Fun.)

I think (haha) it really all boils down to the fact that most of our thinking is done for us. Playing games, whether it be number, word or video games, requires us to think.
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Reply Mon 7 Jul, 2008 01:22 am
yes I think most games in moderation could be beneficial to children. Is there anyone here who is a strong opponent of video games? If so tell us why.
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Reply Sat 9 Aug, 2008 12:00 pm
playing counterstrike for 7 yeARS helped my lazy eye.

is barely even noticeable now.

And mmorpgs in my opinion teach children about economics, markets, working to get stuff they want, and manners.

noone groups with a cockface.
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Reply Sat 9 Aug, 2008 12:01 pm
cicerone imposter wrote:
Good for eye-hand coordination.

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Reply Sat 9 Aug, 2008 12:58 pm
I love my games, I really can't wait for Far Cry 2 to be released, I find Regular TV just bores me to tears, so it's nice to have another escape from reality every now and then.

however i dont think the parents of this kid would feel the same.
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