Information wasn't more difficult to "access," it was just more of a pain in the ass for lazy people. Those who didn't mind taking a walk to the library not only got the information they wanted, but almost always had access to more information than one can get in an online search, and were far less likely to be served up a heaping helping of bullshit, which is what you so often get online.
Green Witch wrote:The local public library.
What a novel idea?
Wait....What's a library?
Remember the dewey decimal system?
Good grief, that thing was confusing to a kid!
I just realized I made a little pun there.
A novel idea.....get it? Library...novel....Ha!
After this actual post,I will add your interesting blog in my iGoogle page!
As a librarian - and internet veteran - there were other ways of finding out stuff, lots of which have already been mentioned but one that hasn't is the phone. We used to use it all the time to ring radio and tv stations to ask the perennial 'what song did you play that went da-da-duh-da-da-duh'. Another is the letter. If you had a school project on say, pigs, you could write to the Dept of Agriculture and they'd send you brochures and posters you'd cut to pieces and glue badly into your project book.
In other words you figured out who would know the answer and then contact them. That model hasn't translated perfectly to the web and email.