You know nothing of us, yet you make your point clear that you only want cheap work.
Get off your high horse .
Quote:A good workman is worth his hire.
Quote:if you are the cheapest offer, then you will get the job
what a pain in the ass. You don't respect peoples work so quite pretending .
There is no way for anyone to prove their "professionalism" to someone who only asks of, and only cares about cost. Being cheap only reflects on you. The person who cares not about work quality , but only whether or not they have to part with their money. A customer who cares more about cost is not concerned with quality in the least and I damn sure am not going to lower my bar in hopes to get your pennies. To show respect to those who do things like that for a living, you dont ask about cost as if it is the end all say all of their ability. If someone is competitive then their prices will reflect it. But if you are shopping out of your pocketbook league then that is your problem, not the professionals'. Dont act like it is. No one owes you anything.But since you are not looking for quality, just being the cheapest , respectful questions are obviously not in your league.
Had someone offered to do this for free, you would have praised them ten fold and walked away feeling like you got what you deserve. I mean, it is the idea that there is no value in graphic work any way , since all they do is work on a computer. Why pay? Why should they charge a large amount of money. Besides , it is just an avatar. They are all over the internet. No need to pay for that. They are not worth it. They don't need income.
He never said anything about 'being' cheap. He simply said 'for a fee'.Did not offer to BE the cheapest, yet you call him a whiner? Customers , or potential customers like you I should say, are almost insulting with your holier then thou attitude of " You are not the cheapest I have found" As if you hold some kind of power because you have money.
Lady move out of the way, you are blocking my income. For every customer who wants cheap, there are 50 behind you ready to pay full price. Respectful people who know value and don't bicker about pennies.
I constantly turn away people who come to me asking about my price and saying that the can find a photographer for 50 or 60 dollars and wondering why I wont drop my prices.
It is because you get what you pay for dear consumer. And I am not in the market for working more then I am paid. No one is. And if your goal is to find cheap, you are going to fill that goal easily. Maybe you should raise YOUR bar and stop going for simple easy things .Stop satisfying yourself with the bottom feeders who accept pocket change for work and try getting something work your money. Might make you think a bit more and pay more attention to the quality of work you get. If that even matters.
Cheap **** is every where. Wallow in it little girl. Enjoy yourself.