Is it wrong to view child pornography?

Tue 8 Jul, 2008 10:43 pm
agrote wrote:
And I am an act consequentialist.

No you're not. You're a liar.

    [quote="agrote previously"]It is our right not to be imprisoned for a relatively harmless crime just to deter other would-be committers of that crime.[/quote] Act consequentialists don't believe in rights. You're a liar. [quote="agrote previously"]...it's obviously morally worse to kill a defenceless man than it is to fondle a defenceless child[/quote] An act consequentialist would never hold that one act is always worse than another. You're a liar. [quote="agrote previously"]It sounds like viewing free child porn might be wrong, but only to the extent that dropping a small piece of litter is wrong.[/quote] An act consequentialist would never surmise that two actions are ethically similar without knowing the full range of their consequences. You're a liar. [quote="agrote previously"]I don't think it's morally acceptable to view free child porn in cases where the images are hosted in such a way that the child abuser profits from the number of times the images are viewed. Thoses cases are not exceptions to a rule. They are harmful actions, and it is not unlikely that their harmfulness outweighs the benefit they provide to the viewers.[/quote] An act consequentialist would never hold that an act is morally wrong if only [i]one[/i] of its consequences is known. You're a liar.

I'm sure I could find even more instances where you take a position directly contrary to act consequentialism -- the ones above are just from the last two days. Suffice it to say: you're a liar.

agrote wrote:
Suppose K picks up a piece of child porn on the street. He has neither paid for that porn nor has he, in any way, given encouragement, financial or otherwise, to the producer of that porn. According to you, it would be ethical for K to look at that porn, correct?

It depends on the consequences.


agrote wrote:
After viewing that porn, K is aroused to the extent that he sexually assaults his three-year old daughter. There is, in other words, no question but that K's viewing of the porn contributed to the subsequent sexual assault. Now, was K's act of viewing the porn ethical or not?



agrote wrote:
But I don't think this is a plausible situation. I don't think viewing child porn is sufficient to motivate that kind of behaviour.

I no longer care what you think.
0 Replies
Wed 9 Jul, 2008 12:56 am
agrote wrote:
RHD wrote:
agrote wrote:
It isn't the lack of consent that makes the spreading of images harmful. It's the consequences for the victims depicted in the images that make the act harmful. Consent is a red herring.

If the victims had to consent before paeodphiles could use the images for their own enjoyment, then that further abuse would be the choice of the victim (one that most or all would not agree to). How do you propose to reduce the bad consequences (them feeling further humiliated) by paedophiles using images for their own enjoyment? Allowing paedophiles to legally enjoy the images would increase the number of people viewing them, and would add to the harmful consequences to the victims (the amount of humiliation suffered).

A rule requiring nobody to view or distribute the images would be as easy to enforce as a rule requiring nobody to view or distribute the images without the consent of the victim. Consent is unecessary.

What would be rational about that law? If nobody is allowed to view or distribute the images "just because", then that wouldn't really make any sense. If the victim had a say over whether or not the images of their abuse were allowed to be viewed or distributed, then it would be the same as the way victims of other crimes can choose to press charges or not.

If viewing child pornography was legal (like it would be in your ideal world) and you had been sexually abused as a child, you would have no problem with others viewing and enjoying images of that abuse, right?

Some (probably most) people would feel humiliated by knowing that others were enjoying images of that abuse. So don't you think it would be better for it to only be legal to view those images when the victim had consented to others viewing them?
0 Replies
Wed 9 Jul, 2008 05:11 am
joefromchicago wrote:
agrote wrote:
And I am an act consequentialist.

No you're not. You're a liar.

    [quote="agrote previously"]It is our right not to be imprisoned for a relatively harmless crime just to deter other would-be committers of that crime.

Act consequentialists don't believe in rights. You're a liar.[/quote]

I'm not a liar. Please leave that idea aside. If act consequentialists don't believe in rights (I hadn't thought about this), then maybe I'm just an aspiring act consequentialist. Or a half-baked act consequentialist. But I don't find rule consequentialism convincing.

I tend to think of rights as a useful fiction. I don't think they really exist; it's just useful to act as if people have things called rights. If that's a rule consequentialist attitude to have, then so be it. But I'm not convinced by full-blooded rule consequentialism.

agrote previously wrote:
...it's obviously morally worse to kill a defenceless man than it is to fondle a defenceless child

An act consequentialist would never hold that one act is always worse than another. You're a liar.

They would if it happened to be the case that the act is always less utile, or less conducive to the maximisation of [whatever]. Obvious example: most act consequentialists would probably say that it is always wrong to rape and murder an entire village of defenceless people just for one's own amusement. Not because the rule is utile, but because it is inconceivable that the act could ever be utile.

agrote previously wrote:
It sounds like viewing free child porn might be wrong, but only to the extent that dropping a small piece of litter is wrong.

An act consequentialist would never surmise that two actions are ethically similar without knowing the full range of their consequences. You're a liar.

But they would speculate that they are similar, based on intuitions about what the full range of their consequences are likely to be. Stop calling me a ******* liar. Why are you so desperate for me to be a rule consequentialist?!

agrote previously wrote:
I don't think it's morally acceptable to view free child porn in cases where the images are hosted in such a way that the child abuser profits from the number of times the images are viewed. Thoses cases are not exceptions to a rule. They are harmful actions, and it is not unlikely that their harmfulness outweighs the benefit they provide to the viewers.

An act consequentialist would never hold that an act is morally wrong if only one of its consequences is known. You're a liar.[/list]

You're a c**t. I was assuming that the benefits of viewing the child porn would not be great enough to outweigh the consequence of contributing to a child abuser's profit. So I was taking more than one consequence into account, I just didn't feel the need to mention the positive consequences for the paedophile. I've since questioned this assumption while speaking to O'Bill.

I'm sure I could find even more instances where you take a position directly contrary to act consequentialism -- the ones above are just from the last two days. Suffice it to say: you're a liar.

Why would it be in my interest to actually lie about this?

agrote wrote:
Suppose K picks up a piece of child porn on the street. He has neither paid for that porn nor has he, in any way, given encouragement, financial or otherwise, to the producer of that porn. According to you, it would be ethical for K to look at that porn, correct?

It depends on the consequences.


I've had enough of this. Consider yourself ignored from now on. I'm not going to waste my time having a debate with a child.
0 Replies
Wed 9 Jul, 2008 05:20 am
RHD wrote:
agrote wrote:
A rule requiring nobody to view or distribute the images would be as easy to enforce as a rule requiring nobody to view or distribute the images without the consent of the victim. Consent is unecessary.

What would be rational about that law? If nobody is allowed to view or distribute the images "just because", then that wouldn't really make any sense.

It wouldn't be "just because". It would be "because viewing or distributing the images may humiliate victims of child abuse." Makes plenty of sense.

[qupte]If the victim had a say over whether or not the images of their abuse were allowed to be viewed or distributed, then it would be the same as the way victims of other crimes can choose to press charges or not.[/quote]

If it was just plain illegal to view or distribute the images, it wouldn't be necessary to hassle the child abuse victims for their consent.

If viewing child pornography was legal (like it would be in your ideal world)

I'm not sure about that now. In my ideal world, viewing child porn wouldn't be punishable by a lengthy prison sentence. Legal? I don't know about that anymore.

...and you had been sexually abused as a child, you would have no problem with others viewing and enjoying images of that abuse, right?


Some (probably most) people would feel humiliated by knowing that others were enjoying images of that abuse. So don't you think it would be better for it to only be legal to view those images when the victim had consented to others viewing them?

I think it might be better for it not to be legal to view those images.
0 Replies
Wed 9 Jul, 2008 06:16 am
boomerang wrote:
Do agrote's ideas remind anyone else of OmSigDavid's crazy notion
that if only more people had guns there would be less people getting shot?

Many criminals interviewed in prisons
have openly admitted that THIS (defensive gun possession) is what scares them
(their victims fighting back, inflicting grievous personal injuries upon the criminals)
not the police (who are usually tame and peaceful, if not attacked).

Millions of times a year,
the mere DISPLAY of victims' defensive guns
have ended crimes in progress.

U intentionally avert your attention from this
and call it a "crazy notion"; if u were a violent criminal
confronted with an equally violent well armed victim,
u 'd see how crazy the notion is,
and if the victim SHOT u, u 'd have plenty of time recovering from
gunshot wounds to consider how "crazy" the notion is,
if u were still alive.

0 Replies
Wed 9 Jul, 2008 06:43 pm
agrote wrote:
RHD wrote:
agrote wrote:
A rule requiring nobody to view or distribute the images would be as easy to enforce as a rule requiring nobody to view or distribute the images without the consent of the victim. Consent is unecessary.

What would be rational about that law? If nobody is allowed to view or distribute the images "just because", then that wouldn't really make any sense.

It wouldn't be "just because". It would be "because viewing or distributing the images may humiliate victims of child abuse." Makes plenty of sense.

[qupte]If the victim had a say over whether or not the images of their abuse were allowed to be viewed or distributed, then it would be the same as the way victims of other crimes can choose to press charges or not.

If it was just plain illegal to view or distribute the images, it wouldn't be necessary to hassle the child abuse victims for their consent.

If viewing child pornography was legal (like it would be in your ideal world)

I'm not sure about that now. In my ideal world, viewing child porn wouldn't be punishable by a lengthy prison sentence. Legal? I don't know about that anymore.

...and you had been sexually abused as a child, you would have no problem with others viewing and enjoying images of that abuse, right?


Some (probably most) people would feel humiliated by knowing that others were enjoying images of that abuse. So don't you think it would be better for it to only be legal to view those images when the victim had consented to others viewing them?

I think it might be better for it not to be legal to view those images.

Better HOW ?

I wonder whether when government was created
on the North American Continent,
after the King of England was kicked out,
government was granted authority to control what citizens can LOOK AT.

Can someone point to where this power was granted to government ?
0 Replies
Thu 10 Jul, 2008 12:24 am
What if your government hadn't been granted authority to imprison dangerous serial killers. Would that make it wrong to imprison dangerous serial killers?
0 Replies
Thu 10 Jul, 2008 01:36 am
agrote wrote:
What if your government hadn't been granted authority to imprison dangerous serial killers.
Would that make it wrong to imprison dangerous serial killers?

Indeed it WUD.

Such wud be an act of USURPATION.
The citizens need to have governments chained down
like the Frankenstein monster, to his slab in the lab.
In America, that is accomplished, for the most part, by the Bill of Rights.

Personal freedom is inversely proportional
to the domestic power of government.

An ultra vires usurpatory government
is infinitely more dangerous
than some pipsqueak running around committing isolated murders.
Saddam, Stalin, Mao, Castro, Hitler, Pol Pot ad nauseum.

Compare little Jack the Ripper against any of THEM.

When government had no police forces,
the citizens took care of themselves for centuries,
as well as thay cud. That was what thay expected to do.
0 Replies
Thu 10 Jul, 2008 05:16 am
OmSigDAVID wrote:
agrote wrote:
What if your government hadn't been granted authority to imprison dangerous serial killers.
Would that make it wrong to imprison dangerous serial killers?

Indeed it WUD.

Such wud be an act of USURPATION.
The citizens need to have governments chained down
like the Frankenstein monster, to his slab in the lab.
In America, that is accomplished, for the most part, by the Bill of Rights.

Personal freedom is inversely proportional
to the domestic power of government.

An ultra vires usurpatory government
is infinitely more dangerous
than some pipsqueak running around committing isolated murders.
Saddam, Stalin, Mao, Castro, Hitler, Pol Pot ad nauseum.

Compare little Jack the Ripper against any of THEM.

When government had no police forces,
the citizens took care of themselves for centuries,
as well as thay cud. That was what thay expected to do.

Who said the serial killer was a pipsqueek?

Let's suppose he's an increadibly intelligent and dangerous man, who has somehow managed to kill thousands of people already.
0 Replies
Thu 10 Jul, 2008 08:46 am
agrote wrote:
OmSigDAVID wrote:
agrote wrote:
What if your government hadn't been granted authority to imprison dangerous serial killers.
Would that make it wrong to imprison dangerous serial killers?

Indeed it WUD.

Such wud be an act of USURPATION.
The citizens need to have governments chained down
like the Frankenstein monster, to his slab in the lab.
In America, that is accomplished, for the most part, by the Bill of Rights.

Personal freedom is inversely proportional
to the domestic power of government.

An ultra vires usurpatory government
is infinitely more dangerous
than some pipsqueak running around committing isolated murders.
Saddam, Stalin, Mao, Castro, Hitler, Pol Pot ad nauseum.

Compare little Jack the Ripper against any of THEM.

When government had no police forces,
the citizens took care of themselves for centuries,
as well as thay cud. That was what thay expected to do.

Who said the serial killer was a pipsqueek?

I did.
Does history include ANY private citizen who was a serial killer,
who got more than a handfull of victims ?
(as distinct from such public serial killers as Saddam, Stalin or Mao) ?


Let's suppose he's an increadibly intelligent and dangerous man,
who has somehow managed to kill thousands of people already.

If we SUPPOSE that,
then we may wish to consider legitimately investing a government
with permanent or temporary authority to imprison or kill the malefactor,
as distinct from having government proceed by unilateral USURPATION.

Take notice that a government 's usurpation of ultra vires authority
is the equivalent of your stockbroker or bookkeeper plundering
your funds for his personal enrichment, but what that government does
is far worse and more dangerous than embezzelment of property.

History speaks with a clear voice.

0 Replies
Thu 10 Jul, 2008 11:44 am
I'm not talking about a historical serial killer; I'm talking about a hypothetical serial killer.

My hypothetical serial killer has killed thousands of people, and my hypothetical American constitution forgot to mention anything about locking people up for murdering everybody. What are you going to hypothetically do about it?
0 Replies
Thu 10 Jul, 2008 03:05 pm
I thought I already answered that
in my last post, when I said:

" If we SUPPOSE that,
then we may wish to consider legitimately investing a government
with permanent or temporary authority to imprison or kill the malefactor,
as distinct from having government proceed by unilateral USURPATION.

Take notice that a government 's usurpation of ultra vires authority
is the equivalent of your stockbroker or bookkeeper plundering
your funds for his personal enrichment, but what that government does
is far worse and more dangerous than embezzelment of property. "

Another way to express the same concept
is that the Constitution be amended in a LEGITIMATE fashion,
comporting with its designated amendment process
(as set forth in Article 5)


the citizens form a posse, chase him, grab him,
and appropriately address his improprieties.

0 Replies
Thu 10 Jul, 2008 03:35 pm
Y do u tchuse too rite like this orl thu thyme
can't u see how hard it is
to read it and followozzle what your sizzling
when you do this
all the time

There's a reason
why most of us follow standard spellings
and grammatical structures
and punctuation.

It makes communication QUICK and EASY. We can exchange ideas at HIGH SPEEDS if we all write with a similar basic style.

If you want to use
many many
line breaks
then join a poetry forum.
0 Replies
Thu 10 Jul, 2008 04:22 pm
agrote wrote:
Y do u tchuse too rite like this orl thu thyme
can't u see how hard it is
to read it and followozzle what your sizzling
when you do this
all the time

There's a reason
why most of us follow standard spellings
and grammatical structures
and punctuation.

It makes communication QUICK and EASY.
We can exchange ideas at HIGH SPEEDS if we all write with a similar basic style.

If you want to use
many many
line breaks
then join a poetry forum.

1) If Teddy Roosevelt stood up under such
exact same ridicule, then I can stand up to it too.

2) I don 't take orders from U
about what to join nor anything else.

3) I 'll do what I dam well PLEASE.

0 Replies
Thu 10 Jul, 2008 04:27 pm
OmSigDAVID wrote:
agrote wrote:
Y do u tchuse too rite like this orl thu thyme
can't u see how hard it is
to read it and followozzle what your sizzling
when you do this
all the time

There's a reason
why most of us follow standard spellings
and grammatical structures
and punctuation.

It makes communication QUICK and EASY.
We can exchange ideas at HIGH SPEEDS if we all write with a similar basic style.

If you want to use
many many
line breaks
then join a poetry forum.

1) If Teddy Roosevelt stood up under such
exact same ridicule, then I can stand up to it too.

2) I don 't take orders from U
about what to join nor anything else.

3) I 'll do what I dam well PLEASE.


Do you want to be taken seriously?
0 Replies
Thu 10 Jul, 2008 04:33 pm
I don 't want your advice; u can keep it.
0 Replies
Sat 12 Jul, 2008 04:27 pm
I read the first 30 or so pages hoping this thread would stop, but now it has reached a total of 56 pages. I had to skip forward because I think I will vomit if I read any more intellectualized rationale for kiddie porn. However, I suspect the person who first posted this vile question has been successful in engaging numerous people to discussing in great detail what they think is normal or abnormal, there-by satisfying his need to further debase children or any other victims of abuse.

This thread reminds me of the old dirty phonecalls you could receive before it was possible to learn the identity of the person making the call. You can't discuss anything rationally with someone determined to get his rocks off, everything about the topic excites him. I don't know how more often it needs to be said, but engaging in or viewing the debasement of children (all of whom are too young to consent) is God-awful wrong and certainly not something of which you should be proud. Victimizing the powerless does not make you a free-thinker or a rabblerouser, you just become someone who likes to talk dirty in mixed company.
0 Replies
Sun 13 Jul, 2008 02:58 am
glitterbag wrote:
I read the first 30 or so pages hoping this thread would stop, but now it has reached a total of 56 pages. I had to skip forward because I think I will vomit if I read any more intellectualized rationale for kiddie porn. However, I suspect the person who first posted this vile question has been successful in engaging numerous people to discussing in great detail what they think is normal or abnormal, there-by satisfying his need to further debase children or any other victims of abuse.

This thread reminds me of the old dirty phonecalls you could receive before it was possible to learn the identity of the person making the call. You can't discuss anything rationally with someone determined to get his rocks off, everything about the topic excites him. I don't know how more often it needs to be said, but engaging in or viewing the debasement of children (all of whom are too young to consent) is God-awful wrong and certainly not something of which you should be proud. Victimizing the powerless does not make you a free-thinker or a rabblerouser, you just become someone who likes to talk dirty in mixed company.

If you read the rest of this thread, you'll see that I changed my mind about this issue quite significantly. Because I never was trying to rationalise kiddie porn. I was raising a question and proposing a possible answer, and it was pages and pages before anybody was able to explain exactly what was wrong with the answer. Nobody would have accused me of rationalising cheap chicken if I had raised the question, "Is it wrong to eat factory-farmed chicken?" and given arguments to the effect that it wasn't wrong.

If you pay attention to what I've been saying, rather than what you imagine I might have been saying, you'll see that I have no desire to "debase children or any other victims of abuse." I don't view child porn. I raised this philosophical issue in a place where children are very unlikely to read it. Some of the readers may have been victims of past abuse, but I have every sympathy for those people, and I never said anything to contradict that. I could have offended them, but it would be perverse to suggest that that was my intention. If I wanted to offend victims of abuse, I'd say something blatantly offensive. I wouldn't hold a lengthy debate about the ethics of child porn.

The idea that I am sexually aroused by this topic has been mentioned before. It's a very strange allegation. Paedophiles are aroused by children. That's all. That's what a paedophile is. They're not aroused by philosophical discussion about adults looking at pictures of children. Nothing turns me on about having a huge debate with a bunch of (mostly male) adults. I enjoy it, for sure. I love to debate and I intend to make a living out of it. But it doesn't "excite" me or "get my rocks off".

I never claimed or implied that victimising the powerless makes me a free-thinker. I'm not victimising anybody by having this discussion. There are no victims of discussions. There are victims of child porn, but I don't look at child porn.

Finally, you accuse me of talking dirty. I don't know what you think "talking dirty" means. Raising an emotionally charged issue in sexual ethics is not "talking dirty". Scan this entire thread and you won't find any use of erotic language.

I realise it would be unfair to expect you to read all of this thread. But I hope you're starting to realise how unfair it is of you to accuse me of all these various things. To clarify, in case you haven't realised, I now no longer think thaty it should be legal to view child porn. I only think that the sentences for that crime should be less severe than they are.
0 Replies
Sun 13 Jul, 2008 10:17 am
You did not start a discussion on factory raised chicken, but that's the obvious dodge of a person engaging in inappropriate discussion, change the subject. I would like you see you make your argument to the parents of children or the children who have been victimized by lewd behaviour, in fact the next time your neighborhood has a family BBQ be sure to bring up the topic.

I believe it is insulting to men that you assume only men are engaging in this thread, I don't believe for a minute that healthy men are interested in your intellectualization of kiddie porn, free or otherwise. Say what you will, but I have no interest in reading the other 26 pages to see how you managed to change your mind about the ethics of child porn. And it's laughable to assume that children can't read these exchanges. I again state that too often the folks that bring up unsavory sexual fantasy are testing the water and this is the perfect way to indulge in peripheral abuse, induce others to describe what they believe to be inappropriate sexual behaviour. Perverts don't need to see pictures to become aroused, just taking about the acts is gratification in itself.

Your arguments are as genuine as naugahyde but while you are polishing your debating skills, let me suggest a few less heated topics. Try "The upside of Genocide" or "the economic windfalls of slave labor". Frankly this thread reminds me of trying to find common ground with a white power advocate, and since I don't enjoy beating my head against the wall, I consider my participation in this abortion to be ended. You should feel no need to redeem yourself to me, you have made an impression just as I assume you wished, and if I held your odious views I would not ask others to reconsider the unfairness of their words. Just take a stand for pity sake, if you believe kiddie porn is too vigorously prosecuted, stick with that.

By the way, I hope for your sake that Chris Hanson is not reading this mess.
0 Replies
Sun 13 Jul, 2008 11:03 am
glitterbag wrote:
You did not start a discussion on factory raised chicken, but that's the obvious dodge of a person engaging in inappropriate discussion, change the subject.

I didn't change the subject. The chicken thing was an analogy. If I had raised that topic, I wouldn't have been accused of 'rationalising' the use of factory-farmed chicken. So why, when I raise the topic of child porn, do I get accused of 'rationalising' the viewing of child porn? Why do people assume I have a hidden agenda?

I believe it is insulting to men that you assume only men are engaging in this thread,

I haven't assumed that.

I don't believe for a minute that healthy men are interested in your intellectualization of kiddie porn, free or otherwise.

You clearly are. Are you an unhealthy man then?

Say what you will, but I have no interest in reading the other 26 pages to see how you managed to change your mind about the ethics of child porn.

That's fine, I don't blame you. But given that you haven't read the thread, you need to be careful when you make assumptions about its content.

And it's laughable to assume that children can't read these exchanges.

I haven't assumed that either.

I again state that too often the folks that bring up unsavory sexual fantasy are testing the water and this is the perfect way to indulge in peripheral abuse, induce others to describe what they believe to be inappropriate sexual behaviour.

I'm not sure I follow.

Perverts don't need to see pictures to become aroused, just taking about the acts is gratification in itself.

This thread is about the act of masturbating in front of a computer screen. Talking about that act does not gratify me.

If I had spent this thread talking in detail about (get ready to cringe) sex acts involving pubescent girls, that would have aroused me. But I didn't do that, because I don't come here to get aroused. There are much better places to go than a philosophy forum if I want to arouse myself.

Just take a stand for pity sake, if you believe kiddie porn is too vigorously prosecuted, stick with that.

I am sticking with that.
0 Replies

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