Sun 7 Sep, 2003 01:51 pm
America has produced a lot of great cultural heroes. Musicians , writers, actors & so on.
I've chosen 3 that I admire. I could choose 33 but that would be greedy
#1 James Cagney. Even when he was the crook, he drew you to him and he was on top of the world
#2 John Lee Hooker. Great Bluesman & storyteller. Told it how it is in the streets, bars & love. House Rent Blues & a lack of money
#3 Norman Rockwell. He saw and drew people in the most ordinary but also the most important situations. Everyday life from baseball to homecomings
Why these ? Cos I feel a closeness to what they were telling me about life as lived by the World & His Wife, Mr & Mrs Joe Public. Good days, bad days
Have you got 3 cultural heroes and why do they rate.
Bob Dylan - the humanitarian qualities in his work
Jimmy Carter - Puts himself on the line every day
Hillary Clinton - takes all their bull and keeps on course