1. at that time he wasn't able to observe or understant complexitiy of neural networks. ---...which clearly implies now we can.
No it doesn't implie that now we understand FULL complexitiy of neural networks. It implies what it says that: "at that time he wasn't able to observe or understant complexitiy of neural networks."
Currently we also don't fully understand that compelxitiy and it is possible that we also have some wrong assumptions on how brain functions. We know that it is not used just for cooling, that this is only one of its functions.
2. Lets play.
If I understant correctly what you are trying to say is that for instance car doesn't exist on its own but that it is rather product of my brain.
Something like in movie matrix where world doesn't really exist but it is just an computer simulation.
Or maybe this computer which is simulating our world is all of our brains connected together so our brains are both creating the universe we see and then they also play inside it.
Something like when I dream and part of my brain creates different situations and another part of my brain decides what to do in those situations.
I agree with you.

There might be an objective truth.
Or we might be imagining all of this.
Or it might be something else.
Science might find one day which is truth but currently it can only say that it doesn't know which of these scenarios is truth.
What science IS doing is detecting, observing and analysing rules which seem to exist in this world of ours. So in this objective/ imagined/whatever world scientist were able to observe a lot of rules which we are calling laws of physics. For each of those we have mathematical model which models that rule more or less precisly. Such mathematical models are considered to be valid if we can used them to predict what will happen. As new info becomes available those models are refined, rejected or replaced with other models that are capable of predicting this new info that became available.
Sometimes those models predict that there should be something in nature we havent seen so far like black holes or dark substance.
So currenlty all those models suggest that there is no "mental" as something which is not physical. We neither have seen it nor does models point that there should be something "mental" needed to explain human behaviour.