Wed 28 May, 2008 08:42 am
The unique language and customs of the Sorbs are legally protected. Germany also has an official Danish-speaking minority as well as some other official minority languages.
Quote:Tillich takes over as premier of Saxony
Published: 28 May 08 11:26 CET
Stanislaw Tillich became the new premier of Saxony on Wednesday, making him both the first easterner and member of the ethnic Sorbian minority to govern the German state.
The conservative Christian Democrat (CDU) and former state finance minister garnered the backing of 66 MPs in the first round of voting in Saxony's parliament - three more than necessary in the 124-seat legislature. The governing coalition of conservatives and centre-left Social Democrats has 68 MPs, but one CDU parliamentary wasn't present due to illness.
Tillich was immediately inaugurated by the parliament. He spoke the phrase "So help me God" in both German and his native Slavic tongue Sorbian after accepting the vote. He is the first member of the tiny ethnic minority in eastern Germany to hold such a high political office. He is also the first person from the former communist east to govern Saxony after German reunification in 1990.
The 49-year-old Tillich takes over from embattled former premier Georg Milbradt, who resigned in April amid mounting criticism of the Christian Democrat's seemingly hapless leadership of the state. The 63-year-old Milbradt came under pressure to step down following his handling of a financial crisis surrounding the state's investment bank Sachsen LB.
The bank was sold last year to the Landesbank Baden-Württemberg after making bad investments, but Saxony had to make guarantees totalling 2.75 billion. Milbradt has also come under fire for failing to explain a private loan from Sachsen LB for 172,000 for investments made by him and his wife.
DDP/The Local (
[email protected])
Sorb. I learn something new everyday. Now I have to go look up who they are and how they managed not to be ab-sorbed.
Joe(good luck to the new PM)Nation