Ticomaya wrote:curtis73 wrote:It doesn't matter what the act is, everything done in the interest of christian faith is intensely caustic to the fabric of humanity on the spiritual level.
Can you explain what you mean by this?
Sure... although most religious people don't believe this truth.
The soul has a purpose on earth; to experience. I won't get into details, just know that it is to experience. The person and the soul are on a journey, and one of the main points of that journey is to know the soul... and I don't mean learn about your inner feelings, I mean to literally KNOW the soul and communicate with it. The whole point of your existence is to learn to communicate with your higher self; to re-member with your godly self.
Another thing is that all souls are one; part of a singular energy plane. Hurting one person hurts everyone in the same way. By hurting, I mean damaging to the soul or body. For instance, causing death is as damaging to the murderer's soul as it is the deceased's soul. That origin of damage affects the entire soul plane.
Religion (some more than others) teach the exact opposite of that. They teach individuality, removal from god and our souls, retribution, and repentance. By religion's standards we are all alone individuals striving to win the favor of a vengeful god. If we "sin" all we have to do jump through some symbolic hoops and we're clear. This is the single most caustic action one can do for the soul plane. You can't kill someone and then just say, "oops I messed up" and be done with it. You have to repair it on the soul level. We are taught that communion with the saints is a good thing, but communion with our soul is consorting with some mythical being named satan, or at the very least a mental illness.
Prayer is also a heavily caustic and damaging ritual. Our thoughts are creative. If you had but the faith of a mustard seed you could move mountains, right? That's true. Christianity has used that phrase to make its followers feel unworthy. "If I just had that mustard seed of faith, I could be so cool in the eyes of god, but I don't so I need to be a better Christian." That passage is SO true. The trinity of thought word and deed are INTENSELY creative. Do you think that these hurricanes and typhoons are god punishing us? They are the direct result of everyone's creative thoughts. Prayers go out saying, "I'm so afraid of a hurricane, please save us god." The energy you just sent out into the universe is fear which is equally powerful and opposite to love. Millions of prayers fearing hurricanes make a hurricane. You are using the faith in your mustard seed with a misplaced sponsoring thought. Don't fear it, have faith that your prayer can change it and it will. Then re-word your prayer so that it isn't begging for alleviation from fear, pray in thanks for your ability to choose it not to happen.
... Which also brings up a great paradox. If you met someone who moved a mountain with the faith of a mustard seed, you would call him a satanist for conjuring. You would fear him instead of applauding his ability.
The cycle of thought, word, and deed is the basis for experience; your soul's entire purpose on earth. Sometimes for the spiritually advanced it means literally moving a mountain. It starts small, though. Right now I'm hungry. My sponsoring thought is, "I should make something to eat." I form the words in my brain and physically speak them; "I'm going to make something to eat." Then I actually will get up and make a meal. I have created the reality of fixing my hunger by preparing and eating a meal. Now, contrast that with the less-effective sponsoring thought of "I'm hungry." Then you speak it. "I'm hungry, but there probably isn't anything to eat in the fridge." You have now created the reality of being hungry and your chances of fixing the problem have diminished greatly. You might eat, or eat poorly, or not be as happy about your task.
The religious would say, "I have to/want to do this to win god's favor." The spiritually enlightened would say, "god is happy, and I will do things so I can know him." Totally different sponsoring thoughts. The first creates the experience of having to or wanting to. The second sponsoring thought creates the experience of accomplishing it.
In this way, religion makes sour, unhappy people who are always at a deficit; which is right where they want you. I can preach at you all day and never make a dent because religion has done such a fantastic and complete job of locking you in to your beliefs that its hard to break free. Religious people have spent their lives chanting sponsoring thoughts, words, and deeds that have turned their lives into one big unbalanced, fear-driven mode. Religious people pray for hope and that's all they get; hope. Enlightened folks dictate their results and get them.
Religious people are constantly told that they are earthly and they have this trepidatious and tenuous connection with god if they humble themselves adequately. In truth, every single thing you think, say, and do is directly transmitted to the soul plane. Religion teaches you that you shouldn't "sin" but they still do. You think you're operating under the radar, but you aren't - you can't. You can't just apologize for it and think that the damage is undone.