Fri 5 Sep, 2003 01:42 pm
Ok, so the other night my guy and I were watching yet another US made army movie with the sappy romance and the blood and smoke. he told me that he had wanted to be in the army since he was little. Not a specific army just 'the' army. I asked him why. He said because he could defend his country and yadayadayada.
I asked him if he knew what our country or the US stands for. Does he believe in everything that the army supporst and represents? Does he agree? He didn't have an answer.
This makes me wonder if anyone who gets into this 'fight for right' army crap really believes in what they do. I mean, it's one thing to go in and 'blow **** up' thinking you are doing a duty. But it's another to really think about what you are fighting for. What you are proving ect. Who you are fighting, the reasons why behind it all.
Kids are the ones going to military because why? because they have a notion that their country is the best? They see movies that glorify the US and war and army life such as "we were soldiers", "Pearl Harbor", "Tears of the Sun" ect, and think that they're gonna be heros. I'm sick of the propoganda
Anyones opinion on this?
The US military has not gone to war to "protect our (US) freedoms" since any of us have been alive.
Interestingly the type atrracted to the military is often the type who scorns groups that do act domestically to "protect our freedoms".
I was in the miliatary -- but I had no illusions that it was an altruistic move on my part.
I wanted to grow up -- and I was told that the fastest way to do that was to endure boot camp.
I'm delighted I went -- and my experiences were mostly positive, growth helpful, and fun.
CAVEAT: I did not go to war -- or on one of these peace missions.
I think most of you know my experiances. Boot camp didn't make me grow up it was a walk in the park, AIT made me grow up. I went in knowing what I was doing but don't support the military anymore. The truth is ppl are joining not even knowing what MOS they want to train for. People sometimes see it as a glorious thing to do but that is before they are enlisted.
I went to war that wasn't fun. It makes you grow up but it's not the right decision for many ppl it is like they are walking into a commitment blindfolded.
The worse off we are,
the more attractive it is to get the hell out of town,
do something, anything, join the army.
Want to build the military? Just make our homes miserable.