Foxfyre wrote:And yes, yes, and yes to everybody who suggested that I read the explanations and look at the pictures, etc. etc. etc. I have done all that and I am still left with the original problem.
1. In the beginning I have three doors to choose from with a 1 in 3 chance to choose the right door.
2. It is an absolute certainty that at least one door that I didn't choose will be a goat. If I chose a goat initially, he will open the door with the other goat. If I chose the car initially he will choose one of the two goats. The door with the goat that he opens is then removed from the equation.
Yes, it is 100% certain that there will be one goat. It is only 33% that there will be 2 goats. Monte doesn't open the doors at random however. He peeks until he finds a goat. He has a 2 in 3 chance of the first door he peeks at having a goat. But it is a 100% certain that the second door he looks at will have a goat if the first one doesn't. You are leaving his requirement out of your equation and you can't if you want to do the math correctly.
3. Now I have a choice between two doors. It really doesn't matter whether I chose right or wrong initially. I now am essentially choosing between two doors.
Yes, but you have to multiply the doors by the original probability. If Monte revealed the first door he peeked at then you have a 50/50 chance with what is left. If Monte revealed the second door he looked at then you have 100% chance that you are wrong.
4. I now have a 1 in 2 chance of choosing the right door.
No, you don't since the odds of Monte peeking at the car on the first door are only 1 in 3. Rap did the simple math earlier which clearly shows it. 2 out of 3 times you have a 50/50 chance but 1 out of 3 times you have ZERO chance since the car was under the FIRST door Monte peeked at.
I'm sorry folks, but that is a 50-50 chance no matter how you slice it.
Slice away but you are cutting off your fingers with the way you are slicing.