Tue 2 Sep, 2003 03:28 pm
"Nine-tenths of wisdom is being wise in time." I am not sure I know what he meant by this. What are some of your thoughts?
probably things like, knowing that there is a bomb that's going to be dropped, allowing proper evacutaion time before it would blow your town, family, and french toast to smithereens. Knowing there is a bomb when you look up and it blocks out the sun would not be as helpful.
"Nine-tenths of wisdom is being wise in time".
I think it means that wisdom is not the power of hindsight. Any actions or ideas, if they are to be called wisdom, is those which are ex ante.
In spite of the accuracy of Ace's 'definition';
i think PortalStar has given the phrase 'viceral' meaning!
They have a quotations forum.
Be wise in the right time and you come off as wise, the other 1/10 is drinking expensive coffees and wearing black clothes.