edgar, mcee fya

thanks! - sorry to miss you.
If you wondered what that silence is - it's everyone busy writing out their stories, poems and all sorts of other pieces of work about the wild west.
Not just what its like to live there or to have descended from the likes of Billy The Kid, but how it has deeply touched and left an impression on many who grew up on westerns wherever they live - even Siberia.
They've been at it for a few days now, so I'm getting pretty excited wondering what they're going to come up with - what journey I may be taken on. If you listen really hard, you can hear the faint murmur of keyboards being tapped all over the world (but especially in America), with the occasional slurp as someone gulps down their coffee in a haste to get back to it.
I envision rocky mountains, vast open plains
cowboys herding cattle across a river. Rolling wagons, storm clouds
oh yeah, I love those stories. How about women out west, the life of the native Indian, poems about wild horses or buffalo- or a haiku about a cactus flower -will we get any of those?
It could be anything, from comedy to tragedy, the diary of an undertaker, horse-breaker or cheese-maker. Who knows? The anticipation is killing me.
Any time now
who's got popcorn?
budge up