Sat 22 Mar, 2008 09:37 am
What were the possibilities of life on the level of human existence; and, conversely, what was there about the human condition that was hopeless?"
What are the limitations and possibilities for human life? Is it possible for humans to live in harmony or is war a necessary component of human activity?
Ideas and quotes from "Beyond Alienation" by Ernest Becker
Chuang-tzu figured out well over 2000 years ago that a lot of what we are is unknowable. Modern science junkies are convinced that everything can be intellectualized and thus understood, and that is a problem. This misunderstanding leads many to think and rationalize even after the effort has long been clearly futile. That energy should go into feeling, seeing, and perceiving instead. Man is alienated from himself because he insists on pursuing a failed strategy, refuses to comprehend the limits of ego and intellect even after endless rounds of banging ones head against a brick wall. Only after exhaustion sets in will most men be open to receiving the reality of their condition.