my arguement is that if it is not physical harm if it is a known security hole that can be patched turning your back when you have the know how to fix it is the wrong thing to do is therefore your fault. If you want to claim to be the best act like it. Craven I am well connected lol I met the Gracues in the USA but I have been to Brazil since. I know alot of ppl that have media attention it's kinda weird but then again there is a formula that works out we know everyone in the world through 6 ppl I forget who it's from but it works out. All I'm saying is that if you want to be the best act like it don't tell the world about a security hole then expect nobody to use it. They said they expected it so why didn't they fix it?
A coworker's husband assisted in catching Mitnik, he worked for what was then Netcom, an ISP. He worked directly with the FBI investigators to track him down.
Thats kool I read the reports from Shimomura as well as kev's book and spoken to kev about it. IMO they were just making a example out of him but ya. He probably still is the best social engineer. I have no clue about his hacking ability but I know he's kept up with the times. He also admits what he did was wrong. The 1 thing that gets me is all the BS that was published that never happened.