Craven -- How controversial do you want to be?
Other favorites from :
Lord help me be the person
my dog thinks I am
My Australian Shepherd Is
Smarter Than Your Honor Student
Vegetarians Taste Better
--- BUSHIST: ---
Stop Mad Cowboy Disease
Remember, Pillage First
Then Burn
We are Creating Enemies
Faster Than We Can Kill Them
It Ain't Over Till Your
Brother Counts The Votes
How Many Lives Per Gallon Does it Cost?
--- (UN)RELIGIOUS: ---
If Going To Church Makes You A Christian
Does Going To The Garage Make You A Car?
Jesus Loves You!
But I'm His Favorite
God was my copilot,
but we crashed in the mountains
and I had to eat him
Sorry I missed Church. I've been
practicing Witchcraft and becoming a Lesbian.
Don't Pray In My School and
I Won't Think In Your Church