Thu 28 Aug, 2003 04:45 pm
Hey, Ima goan make yew bumberstickers. But wot dew I put on 'em?
Please post ideas for bumpersticker texts to sell in teh soon-to-open A2K store.
They can be funny, political, whatever..
Any ideas?
"Bunnies are evil!"
"Keep your eyes on the road, bitch."
For MA drivers...yellow bumper sticker, black letters:
Keep your eye out for woman drivers!
They're everywhere!
(in reference to the motorcycle bumper stickers) the motorcycle thing..but, being in Mass I guess its an advantage....of course Id change it to SUVs
Hamster Union Up In Arms
Make 'em Work
Some good ones. I'll make them soon.
Suppport A2K! The hamsters are hungry!
A2K -- Capybaras and so much more
bumper stickers
Do really you suppose bumper stickers will return like during Viet Nam?
During the Watergate scandal, I made a bumper sticker for my car: "Behind every watergate there is a millhouse." I attached it to the rear of my car with duct tape. Everywhere I went people honked at me in appreciation. The only problem was that people kept stealing it off of my car and I had to keep making new replacements.
It got so notorius that Herb Caen wrote about it in his S.F. column and then I had reporters coming to my house to photograph it.
Actuall, during the first gulf war I had a sticker on my bumper that simply said, "WAR SUCKS".
A2K is real...everything else is just in your head.
A2k - for when you positively, absolutely, have 2 know.
(And - "A2k - are you Craven to meet de devil? De you Kere?" Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.)
I like the one from Husker
Are u a2k?
..or.. for the rest who isn't!
Yea, I know y'all know already, but still!
Are You Able 2 Know?
credits to Husker
Husker's suggestion is the best.
Try it this way...
R U A2K ?
I'm blind for God's sake!
Bumper stickers don't go near my whip, but I'm still glad to offer my expertise.
(for farmers, of course)