intelligence, wealth, climate...
I haven't read all the replies, but wanted to post anyway before I went to bed. I'm just going to paste in what I was typing... sorry for the disorganization... too tired to care at this point in time. The topic is interesting... and I have some thoughts that are on target and some that are off. I hope I don't offend anybody too much. Thoughts below:
I shouldn't type this without actual test scores in hand, but was told by a teacher years ago that Eskimos test with a high IQ. Is it because of shape recognition? Is it b/c have to be
smart or harder working in super cold hostile place to survive?
In hot south (of US), your goal in life may be to live long and happy by working less and
spending more time hanging with friends/family. If you take a step back from what
is commonly considered the smart way to live, you may realize that having a home that is paid for, food on the table, and people who love you around is the key to happiness and/or richness. Sometimes it's hard to see when you get caught up in the rat race and the material world.
More free time = more intellectual thought = more art, math, philosophy, creativity, etc. So more free time in hot places with plenty of food. But higher IQ in harsh places to survive??? IQ measures alert vs laziness more than brain power? Or more learn and remember than creativity?
The topic was that industrial society/ monetary wealth is related to weather. Yeah, I think that is true in many places at least today. But if someone from the cold north got rich, where would they retire to? The hot south, you bet.