Re: The relationship between climate and wealth
Craven de Kere wrote:In my life one of the topics I have most frequently discussed was the relationship between climate (specifically temperature) and a culture's wealth. While it's blatantly obvious that temperature is not the singular relevant factor I maintain that it is one of relevance nonetheless. Success as a nation is clearly influenced by millions (literally) of factors and I do not pose the following as a rule with no exceptions.
. What say you?
Read earlier parts of the thread before and finally decided to read the thread in more depth. As one of many items that could dictate the evolution of every country's economy I would agree that climate may have played a hand in the evolution of economy. But I think that we can't use our modern civilization as a basis. What we have now is a global economy that is dictated by many different facets but to your point, was climate 1000 years ago a factor in which countries developed into third world countries and which ones developed into "first" world countries?
I think that agriculture in general was a driving force because of climate. Where agriculture flourishes the need to deal in goods in services was not needed as much. Where agriculture was seasonal or very limited they had to rely more on goods and services, and trade to get by which led towards more materialistic economies. Those areas where agriculture flourished there was an abundance of food so needs and wants were minimal and the desire to better ones self was likewise stifled. So to that end maybe it is the struggle to survive that drove cultures to adopt more materialistic views and ambitions. So climate affected agriculture which in my eyes 2000-3000 years ago affected the struggle to survive which I think played a large part in how societies evolved.
So yes I can see climate being a large factor with many ancillary reasons why more temperate climates in general evolved their economies more similarly.
(actually only decided to reply to the thread because it was the only one of the top 10 I wasn't the last one to submit to and it was in the middle of the other threads. (pretty lame excuse for a post if you ask me) )