Granted but it has no windows.
I wish my cat would stop trying to sleep next to my face at night.
Granted but your dog will take its place.
I wish I could solve every crossword I tackle.
Granted but you wouldn't have time for anything else in your life..including A2K :wink:
I wish all of my end of the year meetings were over.
Granted but all of the end of the year holidays are here.
I wish I had my garage epoxy coated.
Granted but your garage falls down.
I wish all but two of our school board members would quit.
Granted but they won't be replaced making your job even harder.
I wish I could become a proficient computer operator.
Granted but to barbeque now, all you have to do, is push a few buttons.
I wish annual flowers would never go on sale.
Granted but your wife makes you buy twice as many anyway.
I wish my room was organized.
Granted but everything is in steel filing cabinets stamped in braille.
I wish Michigan summers weren't so short.
Granted but from now on you'll have a permanent heat wave.
I wish Holland will win the EK 2008 Championship.
granted but it's their last win ever.
I wish I had been able to get a hair appoinment before next
Granted but you will gradually loose it all afterwards.
I wish my hair stopped going grey.
Granted, it falls out instead.
I wish my hair had stayed naturally blond instead of getting darker.
Granted but you'll be forever a sex goddess.
I wish I could play the guitar.
Granted but it's electric guitar, not acoustic, which you can't stand.
I wish it wasn't raining today.
Granted but it will be unbearable hot from now on.
I wish my vegetable garden didn't have any weeds.
Granted, but what's wrong with a few weeds?
The beach will be empty today, due to the nasty rain.
Is that a wish?
I wish I didn't just bite my tongue.
Granted but you won't be able to kiss anymore.
I wish I could find a nice casual outfit to wear.
Granted but it's hopelessly out of fashion.
I wish I could renovate my livingroom.