Granted but you won't be able to fit into your bikini anymore.
I wish I could fly an aeroplane.
Granted, now you can, but you've become blind as a bat!
I wish I could go back to the past to correct the mistakes I've made in my life.
Granted but second time around you will make MUCH worse ones.
I wish I could have more confidence
Granted, but now you're way over-confident and are getting yourself into all kinds of fixes!
I wish I had the talent to draw things so it doesn't look amateurish.
Granted but you will live on an unoccupied island and no one will see your master pieces.
I wish I could speak Spanish.
Granted but all the senoras will lock up their senoritas.
I wish the flowers I planted would bloom more quickly.
Granted but they will all turn into weeds.
I wish I could visit the UK next week.
Granted. You're now living there, but you can't stand the climate!
I wish I had more time to do everything I want to do.
Granted but then you will think of thousands of more important things.
I wish I could travel back in time and meet Marie-Antoinette
Granted but you won't be able to come back.
I wish I was a young man again.
Granted, but you've become a baby!
I wish I had 20/20 vision without glasses.
The sight could be blinding. Then what?
I wish I had a twin...
Granted but he will bully you.
I wish I would become a sculptor.
Granted, but after you finish your very large sculpture, it tips over and falls on you.
I wish I had endless wishes.
Granted but you can use none of them for your own benefit.
I wish July wasn't almost over.
Granted, but you are doomed to relive the same day over and over again for the rest of your life!
I wish I had a money tree in the backyard.
Granted but your neighbor chops it down.
I wish somebody would paint my toenails for me.
Granted but he'll finish up giving you a complete body paint.
I wish I could loose a bit of weight.
Granted, but would your clothes still fit?
I wish Hillary Clinton had won the Presidential primary...
Granted but she wouldn't be elected President.
I wish my son wasn't so disappointed about Manny being traded off the Red Sox.