Granted but it will be the Rocky Horror show.
I wish I had a crystal ball.
granted, but it could break and cut one of your arteries.
I wish I had a big boat to sail on the ocean.
Granted but you will hit an iceberg and sink.
I wish I could play the piano.
Granted, but how could the deaf hear you?
I wish i could play the flute better than I do.
Granted but you will go deaf and can't hear yourself.
I wish I had more money.
Granted, but then you'd be taxed more.
I wish I had a new stove.
Granted but you can't cook.
I wish our taxes weren't so high.
Granted but the cost of everything else skyrockets.
I wish I had no money worries.
Granted, but would you worry about?
I wish I had a new car loaded up with gas...
Granted but you have lost your licence.
I wish a could play the piano.
Granted, but you don't own a piano.
I wish it was snowing right now...
Granted but you will never see the sun again.
I wish I could solve the difficult cryptic I'm doing at the moment.
Granted. And then all memory of it will disappear so you are left with a lonely desolate sense of emptiness and lack of accomplishment.
I wish I could get rid of the blahs.
Granted but you'll be forever restless and looking for adventure.
I wish I could become an accomplished chef.
Granted but you will be left to cook those sumptuous meals alone with no one to share.
I wish it could be warm here all the time.
Granted but you'll never see snow again.
I wish al my wishes came true.
Granted, this will happen, but you've lost your mind and can only form words that only have two syllables in them!
I wish I was psychic.
I didn't notice this thread before. I had revived the evil genie one, but since this is already here, I'll play this one!
Granted but everyone will be too so you will have no secrets.
I wish I lived in Rome.
Granted but you can't speak the language.
I wish I wouldn't grow older.
Granted. Unfortunately the only way that can happen is that you would have to be dead!
I wish the weather would always be as sunny, warm and not humid like it is today.