@cicerone imposter,
Hi, Cicerone.
When I started playing this game, I didn't know the rules. I'm thinking that, like me, you don't understand the rules either. You have to make a sentence. And each word of that sentence has to begin with the letters of the highlighted word from the previous poster's sentence in the sequential order in which they appear.
For example, if someone highlighted the word CARS in their sentence, the next poster has to make a sentence using the letters in CAR in sequence.
If it were me, I would say:
Cats are real sassy.
Or: Carl acts respectable sometimes.
Or: Carol answered rather sarcastically.
Now, someone might highlight a word with over fifteen letters in it. If that happens, and it appears too daunting, you can leave it to someone else; I've done that a number of times. And it's perfectly fine to even think terrible thoughts about the person who has mercilessly highlighted a word with over fifteen letters in it. In fact, I have a beanbag chair right here beside my desk-chair for just such occasions. If someone throws me a word with over fifteen letters in it, I get down on my knees and start punching the living hell out of it.
If you choose to vent your frustration in this manner, take care to not punch the same area of the beanbag chair more than four times, as you will eventually punch through all the bean-stuff and end up punching the floor. I can tell you firsthand that that will definitely **** up your hand, which will cause you to become even more angry at the son of a bitch who decided to ruin your night by callously tossing a fifteen-letter word on your lap. But then with a temporarily--or in my case, permanently--injured punching hand, your options when it come to dealing with your anger will come down to two choices: meditation, or alcohol. Myself, I can't meditate when I'm injured and angry. And since there's a ten-year delay on my off-switch when it comes to drinking, that's out of the question, too. So, I'm pretty much on my own, and left to deal with the hypertension as best I can.
But yeah, I agree that Oolong tea is pretty good stuff.