I'm less likely to eat my PISTACHIOS extraordinarily red, Ed dear...
Thanks Fritz - yes really nice - manic and then very, very lazy for a week.
I made one resolution - to organize my tickets and receipts weekly instead of at the end of the month. We'll see if I keep it (or break it ) thisSunday (this is my first week back). I think it'll all depend on what time of day it is when the last customer leaves and I crack open my end of the work week bottle of wine.
I also resolved not to chatter on acronyms....you made me break that one- your fault (just kidding- what's the harm- no one else around for the past 24 hours, I figure, why not?)
How about you? Nice Christmas? Happy, healthy new year so far (aside from the terrible news all around)?
*also thanks for the compliment on my acronym.
the word is PISTACHIOS