I have a project with Java, which change the clock display from a 24 hour clock to a 12 hour clock. (The code is below)
I could do it by changing the method updateDisplay, but the problem is, I have to do it
without changing the method updateDisplay and class numberDisplay.
But I could modify timeTick method and clockDisplay class.
Here the zip file
I have no idea how to do it, I really need help.
Thanks in advance.
public class ClockDisplay
private NumberDisplay hours;
private NumberDisplay minutes;
private String displayString; // simulates the actual display
* Constructor for ClockDisplay objects. This constructor
* creates a new clock set at 00:00.
public ClockDisplay()
hours = new NumberDisplay(24);
minutes = new NumberDisplay(60);
* Constructor for ClockDisplay objects. This constructor
* creates a new clock set at the time specified by the
* parameters.
public ClockDisplay(int hour, int minute)
hours = new NumberDisplay(24);
minutes = new NumberDisplay(60);
setTime(hour, minute);
* This method should get called once every minute - it makes
* the clock display go one minute forward.
public void timeTick()
if(minutes.getValue() == 0)
// it just rolled over!
* Set the time of the display to the specified hour and
* minute.
public void setTime(int hour, int minute)
* Return the current time of this display in the format HH:MM.
public String getTime()
return displayString;
* Update the internal string that represents the display.
* Do not change it
private void updateDisplay()
displayString = hours.getDisplayValue() + ":" +