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Glitterbag, thank you so much for sending me off to bed sure of sweet, bouncy dreams!
I'm so glad I decided to check email one more time. You and Sophie have made my night.
Here's hoping you're feeling better soon.
Well I just sent some photo's of Miss Sophie pants from my cell phone to the computer....but it appears as if I will need to do a little more research on how to post them here. Right now they are just sitting in my inbox, but hopefully tomorrow (when I am not so tired) I can get them posted.
Sleep well my A2K buddies and dream about puppies or kittens romping around your abode.
Now that you're rested, what would the nuns say?
The nuns would probably say that the Internet deserved Sophie.
Well the puppy is now 7 months old and ripping all over the house. Tonight we are playing a wicked mean version of keep-away......She darts under the bed and retrieves some small trophy she has stashed for just such an opportunity and then runs into the computer room chewing on the unknown object, watching me intently....just waiting for me to move. If I so much as clear my throat she is off like greased lighting gleefully avoiding turning over the tidbit that I am unable to identify tonight but will likely discover in the yard tomorrow afternoon.
This dog is buckets of fun and a huge handful, definitely not for the faint-hearted. My nephew came to stay with us for an indefinite period this week, and Sophie is loving life...she has a 17 year old boy to torment and shower with doggie kisses. Nothing quite like a puppy, I'm glad we took the plunge again and didn't let anyone talk us in to a more mellow pooch. You gotta love the sporting breeds. But honestly, I like all of them, well maybe not the scary ones, but I am truely pixilated by Vizslas.
Glitterbag, your story of your teenage nephew reminded me of one of our dogs and our sons.
When I was at a soccer match, I had Raven (the lab) with me. Some girls came over to pet her and she loved the attention, but when a boy walked by, she lunged to go with him. For her, boys were the very most fun. Isn't it wonderful when a dog smiles in pure happiness and joy, knowing that life is good.
May you remain pixilated for many years to come.
Today I woke up to find the 5th roll of double size Charmin torn to pieces on the floor of my bedroom. Sophie is now almost 8 months old and takes immense pride in stealing whole rolls and making snow-like mountains out of them. What's even more amazing, is today I found out that my vacuum cleaner can suck up 5 shredded rolls of the double size rolls but that's the limit. I don't belive I have ever seen a vacuum bag so totally stuffed.
Even though I though the TP storage had been placed out of her reach, once again I underestimated her. She was so delighted that she made a great game of keep away over the mass of TP on the floor. It took me 15 minutes to catch her before I could put her into the crate for much needed rest. And she couldn't wait for me to wake up, she barked at me to show me her masterpiece. And continued to taunt me as she ran under the kingsize bed popping up on the opposite side of whatever side I was pathetically trying to grab her. This dog is like lightning, no make that greased lightning, cause even if I manage to get a hand on her she is out before I can close the grip.
By the way, I didn't exactly catch her, she made herself thirsty with all that ducking and weaving so when she trotted off to the bathroom to enjoy a cool refreshing drink from the toilet, I closed the door and picked up all 40 pounds of panting Vizsla and placed her in the crate.
I guess I will let her out now. Wish me luck.
You cheated.
Sophie called "Time Out".
You cheated.
Of course I cheated, there were still 3 rolls of double TP on the shelf, and Iamb running out of vacuum cleaner bags. Besides, she started it, she should have woke me up if we were going to play shred the TAP. That would have been a fair match.
Fair people explain. They don't get vindictive and cheat.
And you actually think that having a level playing field with a vizla will give you a chance of winning??? Come on....just not gonna happen
Well she just pulled another roll of Charmin out from under the bed. It no longer has a cardboard roll in the center, and it's pretty well mangled. I found her cheerfully making another mountain when I got out of the shower..........anyone here think I can get her to vacuum up the new mess?
It's a good thing our cat, Dante, isn't part of your family or you would be spending a fortune on toilet paper.
He like to do the same thing and he knows how to open drawers and cabinet doors.
Funny, he's never around when I discover the mess.
Congrats. I was just funnin' with ya on the last page since you haven't posted pics.
This is our new addition. Pic taken about 9 weeks ago, she's about 3x that size now.
THAT is a cute little puppy
cjhsa wrote:Congrats. I was just funnin' with ya on the last page since you haven't posted pics.
This is our new addition. Pic taken about 9 weeks ago, she's about 3x that size now.

She is adorable, and I bet lots of fun!!!!!
OK, this weekend, my darling Sophie chewed up 2 tubes of lipgloss, one tube of blistex, one hair pick, one rat-tail comb, one hair brush and my fav toothbrush.....but she is wonderful if not civilized, but she is a week short of 9 months and there is still time.
I've decided not to even mention the furniture that she has mangled....I have a great refinisher so that can be fixed.....I have to admit that she is way too much fun, warts and all. Viva la Vizsla
Glitterbag, she sounds like a Lab puppy--so very naughty, but a loved and loving member of the family.