Very, please Oooooolongsteasup, bone china mug and a rich tea biscuit! That would be rather lovely

and is... would you like me to pour you one? teas up...
BEAgle - have a good evening darling. Yep, I shall have a relaxing few days - I intend to pamper myself and just ... stop for a while. Finally, I am beginning to feel a little better, cutting all those foods out, (tho I really don't like to admit it), seems to have made a difference. Hmmmmm.
My exhusband sent me a rather nice (not) little email yesterday - he picks the time to do it perfectly

so I am going to ignore it until next week.
FQSis, if you read back, don't worry, all will be fine - sorry I missed your call this morning, I was enjoying your shower and used your robe, hairdryer, makeup - just like being at home - my mobile will be switched on all weekend so call anytime. Send my love to Mom out there and have the very best time. I love you. x
Tulip - hope you are feeling better and F-boy is improving. Take care girl - thinking of you.
Back in a bit - need to do a little school work today - nothing to tax the brain tho
(oh you prolly all figured my posts before were done with my mobile... gosh... it's amazing what phones can do... it would help tho if I knew how to work it...it's like a mini computer!)