Good Afternoon Crew
POMcT - how are ya? Feeling any better - back improved??????? Wishing you well and sending healing thoughts.... will hug you very gently. x
McTag wrote:
That's just the coat for a little, shy, unselfconfident, shrinking violet
and, it worked! I strolled around town in it today, head held high(stark contrast to my usual self) and it felt good. I figured if I met anyone I knew then... they would talk about the coat, not me, see, there's a method to the madness!!!! I am only slightly unravelled

Funny thing was - people actually stopped me and said how lovely it was and my work colleagues LOVED IT.... so that kinda felt really nice. I am so Joseph-ine
Early start to the day and got to work and had to sit outside 'til someone showed up with a key. Had a good chinwag with the Harbour Master tho so that was a bit happy - tho he still doesn't sound too brilliant. <vaseline Baz, vaseline! - that's all I've got to say!)
Then went into town and did some bits and pieces and popped up to my parents house (this is a very rare occurence) tho my PaPa was AWOL - we couldn't find him anywhere in the house or garden

I could tell MaMa didn't like my coat - nem'mind a?
Anyhoooooooooooo - came back and now I am ready to drop. Wiped out - going to be getting a very early night in tonight.... no really, I am. Gonna take my potion about 8ish. I didn't sleep last night - terrrrrrrible awful night - so I must sleep tonight.
Letty - thanku for the song yesterday ... and TC - ahhhhh - you got here - I think I must have been completely out of it when I posted because I can't remember seeing your posts.... or posting pictures. Good lawd!
the Bosun asked wrote:
Do you think our Iz could be really very, very bad?
who me?
ok, I need to put up the toots - back in a while - lovin' y'all x