Reply Mon 15 Mar, 2010 11:15 am
Hey Crew

BEAgle - ahhhhh - glad you handled the needle well - I won't needle you about it - can't bear them meself!!!!!!! Very Happy x

POMcT - oooooh - that sounds a nasty cold...actually it's sounds fluey if you are aching hun! Sad Bazza's cold did that too - he felt better last week for a day and then went really sick again. Nasty nasty. Do hope you will feel better soon. x

Been very busy here today and been out for most of the afternoon - gotta go pick up the little fella and then work tomorrow and appointments in town after... gonna be knackered.

Have decided to go stay with FQ hubby for a few days as my sis is now on her way to Sud Africa... she's giving the bride away - ahhhhhhhhhh. She's gone with her MaMa - love them. Will be going up later on in the week which will be nice. Looking forward to seeing ma bro.

OK - I gotta fly - will be back later. Hoping S-boy's flute exam went well Very Happy
Reply Mon 15 Mar, 2010 11:21 am
oooooooooooooooh BETHIE


I got me a coat.... just call me Joseph-ine... it's a multitude of colours and I look like a lot of frayed threads ... it's completely marvellous - you would LOVE IT... gonna have to send you a picture of it - it's very ....errrrrrrrrr... loud... it really does look like a bunch of yarn and it is soooooooooo soooooooo soft... not just soft, incredibly touchy feely soft - I just keep patting it - it's WONDERFUL. It's also totally unique - not another one in the whole wide world like it... I love that. Excellent. Razz
Tai Chi
Reply Mon 15 Mar, 2010 12:12 pm
Permission to come aboard? My computer sounds like it's in labour but it got me here!

From the photos looks like you and Tulip and kids had a good time. But after that build up was there a photo of the many-coloured coat? Frayed knot! Razz

Cool but a beautiful sunny day here.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 15 Mar, 2010 01:33 pm
Izz, Loved the photos of yours and your sister's kids. I just found out that Mother's Day in the UK is called mothering day. Beauty must be inherited.

For that Coat of Many Colors, here's a song for you and yours.


My aunt was always making me and my dolls great clothes
Reply Mon 15 Mar, 2010 04:59 pm
Hey Crew........

oh, I'm fuzzy - need better and gotta go... before tho, thanku Letty (oh, 'tis Tulips girl and boy) tho she's a sista too and yes, they are stunning children

S-boy and I couldn't work the camera tonight


we are Joseph... hahhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhah - S-boy LOVES this coat - he said it was soft, which it is. Amazing.

Here we have model B-boy posing on the conservatory coffee table (done he look cute- it fitted him too aaaaaaaaaaaaaa

and then there's me.... fluzzy I'mf frayed.

Will get Kev to take one of me. I LOVE THIS JACKET SOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH. (My parents will wanna be sick... hey ho)!




eyes closed, gotta go - love being wrapped around a bunch of multicoloured soft threads and being kep warm.... LOVE IT...no frayed knots.... just a lotta mixed colours and all smoothed over. YAY.




Reply Mon 15 Mar, 2010 05:56 pm
Oh Izzie what a lovely coat, it fits you to a T, absolutely gorgeous. With black hat, black stockings you'll be Miss A2K. Wink You'll have everybody asking for your hand.

Off to do some shopping for Mrs.B and a cup of cappuccino in my favourite coffee dive.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 16 Mar, 2010 04:46 am
Hi all,
Iz what great photos must have some of those. Yes we had some fun shopping etc.

Have been ill but bit better now, I think I have low iron levels must get it checked. Now Fboy off with a horrible cough! Am at work now with yr 11 student doing his cooking exam!! so am being a little naughter here!!

Iz have a great time with Kev etc enjoy be good and if your not good be very, very bad!! Ha!

Hope all the rest of you are ok, Dutchy hope you survived the massage the other night! RH loved the vibes and will join you again soon on the cool zone!!

Gotta go
Take care
Reply Tue 16 Mar, 2010 05:08 am
Hi annis, good to see you, sorry to hear you're not feeling 100%, hope you pick up soon. The massage was tops, I'll be back for seconds soon. Wink

Do you think our Captain could be really very, very bad? Laughing

Waves from downunder. XX
0 Replies
Reply Tue 16 Mar, 2010 06:31 am

What a garment!

That's just the coat for a little, shy, unselfconfident, shrinking violet like the Cap'n.

Would suit Little Miss Dynamite.
Barry The Mod
Reply Tue 16 Mar, 2010 06:35 am
Petty Officer,me to but no shivers.Back to soggy tissues and sneezing.
Captain,that coat is SO you.Alexander McQueen,Zandra Rhodes,Vivienne Westwood?????????
Have fun in with your Sis and Bro.
0 Replies
Barry The Mod
Reply Tue 16 Mar, 2010 06:40 am
Cross posted....well said Petty Officer!
0 Replies
Reply Tue 16 Mar, 2010 11:39 am
Good Afternoon Crew

POMcT - how are ya? Feeling any better - back improved??????? Wishing you well and sending healing thoughts.... will hug you very gently. x

McTag wrote:

That's just the coat for a little, shy, unselfconfident, shrinking violet


and, it worked! I strolled around town in it today, head held high(stark contrast to my usual self) and it felt good. I figured if I met anyone I knew then... they would talk about the coat, not me, see, there's a method to the madness!!!! I am only slightly unravelled Razz Funny thing was - people actually stopped me and said how lovely it was and my work colleagues LOVED IT.... so that kinda felt really nice. I am so Joseph-ine


Early start to the day and got to work and had to sit outside 'til someone showed up with a key. Had a good chinwag with the Harbour Master tho so that was a bit happy - tho he still doesn't sound too brilliant. <vaseline Baz, vaseline! - that's all I've got to say!) Very Happy

Then went into town and did some bits and pieces and popped up to my parents house (this is a very rare occurence) tho my PaPa was AWOL - we couldn't find him anywhere in the house or garden Shocked I could tell MaMa didn't like my coat - nem'mind a?

Anyhoooooooooooo - came back and now I am ready to drop. Wiped out - going to be getting a very early night in tonight.... no really, I am. Gonna take my potion about 8ish. I didn't sleep last night - terrrrrrrible awful night - so I must sleep tonight.

Letty - thanku for the song yesterday ... and TC - ahhhhh - you got here - I think I must have been completely out of it when I posted because I can't remember seeing your posts.... or posting pictures. Good lawd!

BEAgle Very Happy

the Bosun asked wrote:

Do you think our Iz could be really very, very bad? Laughing

who me?



ok, I need to put up the toots - back in a while - lovin' y'all x

Reply Tue 16 Mar, 2010 03:26 pm
Morning crew especially the little angel in the last post. I knew that had to be you Izzie I just cannot imagine you stepping out of line. Wink

Have missed mismi 'sunshine', where are you my Alabama friend, want to know how you're doing?

Best wishes to the Harbourmaster, ignore the vaseline, take a couple of double rums young man and you'll soon get rid of those coughs.

Waves to all.
Reply Tue 16 Mar, 2010 04:44 pm
Hi Darling

Oh, I messed up and had to get something finished and then I realised I'd done it not quite perfect... but... it's redone now and will take into school tomorrow for printing.

Just taken my pills and feeling way overtired. I need to go pack some stuff and hmmmmmmmmmmm.... may need to leave the tidying, my joints are playing havoc with me.

Missy should be along later in the day methinks... ahhhhhh... love her.

Tulip - again, I missed your post in my haze - so sorry you weren't feeling better - are you k now... will call you from my mobile when I'm the road. Love to you and hope F-boy improves soon. Hugs for all. Be safe yeah. Love ya girl.


I gotta go and sort so will sign off now and wish all the crew well, just in case I don't make it on tomorrow.

JPB - where's you at - missing you girlie... safe back soon. xxxx

((((((((((Bethie)))))))))))) xxx

Where's our AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaalex ((((Chap))))

((((((((((Blue)))))))))))) xox love.

Missing all our crew on shore leave - take care - have fun.

iz xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Reply Tue 16 Mar, 2010 07:32 pm
Hello folks!

Dutchy wrote:
Have missed mismi 'sunshine', where are you my Alabama friend, want to know how you're doing?

Thank you sweet Dutchy. Thank you Izzie. It is nice to be missed. Smile

We are home. LOOOOOONG day. We are pooped. Got home at 4:40PM and had to be at the baseball park at 5:15 for a practice game. Fun. Cold. Still. So weird.

I haven't downloaded my pics yet...but when I do I will post some. Maybe tomorrow. Right now, I cannot WAIT to climb in the bed. My body aches from head to toe. We went to the U.S.S. Alabama which was amazing...but that ship is HUGE. So we did a lot of climbing. The boys loved it - of course.

Glad to be back. So glad to be catching back up with you all.

goin' to bed
Wink nite nite
Reply Tue 16 Mar, 2010 07:51 pm
ha! what a marvellous coat - just needs a ........... raspberry beret .............
0 Replies
Reply Tue 16 Mar, 2010 07:53 pm
As always Izzie was right, mismi sunshine turned up albeit a bit tired after a long day. Can well imagine you're happy to hit the bed. Looking forward to your pictures. Nite, nite and rest well.
Reply Wed 17 Mar, 2010 04:58 am


lovin' y'all


0 Replies
Reply Wed 17 Mar, 2010 05:22 am

Humorous edit: The Apprentice

0 Replies
Reply Wed 17 Mar, 2010 06:04 am

Happy St. Paddy's Day to all.

So kiss me I'm Irish.


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