Saw on the news last night that you're getting hammered there in NYC, Roberta. Stay warm!
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Sat 27 Feb, 2010 06:27 am
Thank you Roberta, that looks beautiful, love to experience that. They showed New York on the TV news tonight getting about 3 feet of snow, by looking at the cars in your picture you're not far behind.
We didn't make it to three feet. The northern and western suburbs came mighty close. The problem with snow in the city is the shoveling. The streets are shoveled for pedestrians. What are ya gonna do with all that snow. Up against the curb/cars. So one foot of snow may have fallen, but you have to navigate four or more feet of snow piled up at the curbs. Like mountain climbing.
A path is usually formed at the corners. No jaywalking for me--or anybody else.
I love the snow. If I was younger and fitter, I'd be in the park playing. Dutchy. I'm throwing a snowball at you. A friend of mine makes them, I throw them. Duck!
So pleased you got snow - I know how much you love seeing it.
It's sunny here and not too chilly at all.
but the big match is coming up later ENGLAND v IRELAND
PaddyBoy - I'm afraid we are up against each other this time - I gotta cheer for my boys tho I reckon your boys are the stronger team. Hoping it will be an excellent match with a big score - either way.
FQsis hubby is coming over with his L-boy to watch the first half and give me a hug - I need one of those today - he's also bringing me chocolate. Bless my bro!
I got a letter from my lawyer re divorce- not good, but I'll put this elsewhere as I don't want it on the deck. I can do without this nonsense, but it appears I will need to go to court to get my legal freedom. I have words to send to my ex - they will be the final ones I say to him on the matter. I need to get rid of the past and move away from these memories.
Anyhoooooooooooo - RUGBY IS ON... lallllllllllllllllllllllllalalallllllllllllalaaaaaaaaaaaaa
I can "swing low".... oh yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! singing and clapping
izzaa im mostly online..indian time tht is other day twas ebys froend at th pc..i had taken H-boy for a walk so cudnt ctch u online!!! tht new york/? ths chilly nd snowy???
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Sat 27 Feb, 2010 02:52 pm
"RUGBY IS ON....but the big match is coming up later ENGLAND v IRELAND
PaddyBoy - I'm afraid we are up against each other this time - I gotta cheer for my boys tho I reckon your boys are the stronger team. Hoping it will be an excellent match with a big score - either way." so said Izzie.
How right you were Captain, Paddy's mob beat you 20 -16 in a scrappy game, but the score didn't matter, you only had eyes for the boys, didn't you?
Roberta I ducked but it was to late, I copped the lot. I like your furry friend who makes your snow-balls, a real good looking fella.
verbivore how are you managing on your own? Little bloke doing ok? Can I tempt you with some nice chocolate this morning?
Sunday morning here and getting ready to go out. Waves from downunder.
yep, they beat us and deserved the win - actually, it wasn't too bad a game... we had it in the bag but then the PaddyBoys got the try and... that was that... K-bro and I were sitting on the edge of our seats (!) willing the English lads over the 22 and down to the 5.. but.. no go, kicked into touch and it was all over. It was good tho. It was lovely having K-bro here and FQ phoned during half time so we have a yabber on the phone too. K brought me chocolate and big hugs
MaMaVerby - sorry we missed each other - hope all is going OK with the visitors - they must have wondered who I was when I pinged you. Will try and keep getting hold of you - no worries. Tell us how you are if you can? How's H-boy - is he still ngaaaaaaaahing
Watching the Olympics right now... didn't Canada do well a? Gold and health care. COOOOOOOL! The spectators are dancing to Thriller in a snowstorm.
Oh........... our storm is on the way - gonna be slammed tonight, so says that weather man
BEAgle - will u believe? im on diet ;P...that too n all fat/junk/sweets
starvng till Barry reaches here ....and barry lemme warn ye...i dnt thnk the food of ths country will do any good to ur try and carry a lill food for ye as u cme i knw u must b laughng at ths! but here th way food is cooked here is entirely diff frm th west..gotto knw frm eby..hes nt able to have nethng from here..thnk god i packed him quite a lot of packets of food frm here too sorrt tht i missed ye..take ample rest and proper care..i want ye to be up and hopping and packing ur bags and say GO INDIA by august!! I DO WANT THAT..and the SECRET movie says if u want smethng and u believe in will HAPPEN!!!
hiya to th rest of the crew!
Ofcourse I believe you verbivore I know what a strong girl you are. Don't run the Indian cuisine down, we have several Indian restaurants nearby which I patronise regularly as their food is delicious. Infact the other night I had Punjabi Lamb Tandoori which was just superb.
Hi crew,hope all's well on board.I'm with the Boson re. Indian food (pass the garlic nan and lime pickle please).Bless you Verbs for worrying but don't fret.I've been eating Indian food for over 40 years and am reallllllllllyyyyyyy looking forward to sampling the real stuff.I imagine poor Eby is finding western food bland and tasteless.Give H boy a hug from Bazza.
Laters crew,I'm off to cook a Sunday roast.
I'm busy trying to get my heart to stop pounding. That men's gold medal hockey game at the Olympics has taken it out of me. I didn't expect the men to win, but ohhhhhhhhh it was so good and after such an exciting game and series of events. I'm getting a bit glassy-eyed watching some of the montages in advance of the final ceremonies. I will NOT cry. Nope. I just have a bit of a <sniff> runny nose.
Love you all.
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Sun 28 Feb, 2010 06:24 pm
Hi Izzie, good night and rest well. Take things easy with those extreme weather conditions.
ehBeth, you can be proud of your Country, top of the medals table and the admiration of the world for extremely well organized Games.
Autumn has started here under ideal conditions albeit dry, please send us some rain someone.
edBeth, I'm glad Canada won as well. I don't follow the Olympics any longer, however.
And to think that I worried about being cold .
Been reading about those fierce storms in Europe. Wow!
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Sun 28 Feb, 2010 10:07 pm
It was a good game...I knew it would be. I loved this Olympics. Really thought there were some great moments.
I went to Mobile. I am home now. We drove over to Fairhope and walked on the pier, then we watched the sun go down over Mobile Bay and ate at the Original Oyter House. It was a lovely weekend. I cannot complain about the cold down has been so nice. But my thoughts are going out to those in Europe. Sounds really bad.
I love that they are playing all of these crazy weather shows on television tonight. The Day After Tomorrow and Twister...sheesh.
I am beat. About to head for bed I am.
Today we were playing football in the yard. I threw (I know those of you who know what this is won't believe me ) a PERFECT spiral. PERFECT I tell you. My sweet nephew even said, "That was perfect". My child, the one I labored over and gave birth to and feed and clothe every stinkin' day said, " It looked perfect because I caught it so well." Cocky little 10 year old. They make me laugh though. I am going to have my hands full I am afraid.