Reply Mon 28 Apr, 2008 07:26 pm
Hey Missy

Don't be sorry. Life isn't all good news...

Even tho we are blessed in our lives with what we have.... it's not easy to keep the perspective at all times. That's why we have friends - they help us out.

A good friend of mine - who's pretty wise - tells me that living for the day is the way they deal with life - which is how I try to live too - but when the world is turning so fast - it's hard to "be happy" ... well not even so much happy - but just getting thru each day - that can be tough. Not as tough as it is for others - but your problems weigh just as heavily on your shoulders as anyone else do on theirs.

For many folk - our crew included - looking to the future is difficult. But the future is there - it's just how we deal with moving forward that we have to figure out.

Don't be sorry - you are living "life" as it's happening - we're here with you. Some days are easier than others - some days.... yep, one day at a time. Then something good happens - and the past becomes the past - and you head out into another day.

I'm no philosopher - just another person making steps.... that's what we do hun. Every day

We have a party on Wednesday - that will be a good thing. Not much in the bigger scheme of things - but when a bunch of mates get together and enjoy some time together if they can make it. K?
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Reply Mon 28 Apr, 2008 07:32 pm
That's as beautiful as your photographs Izzie. Very Happy
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Reply Mon 28 Apr, 2008 07:40 pm
You all are a sweet bunch...

Thank You
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Reply Mon 28 Apr, 2008 08:30 pm
Nighty night Mism! Very Happy

And thank-you, your lovely songs tonight have been quite cheerfull
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Reply Mon 28 Apr, 2008 09:23 pm
Thank you all for the kind remarks on my drawing.

Wow, what a strange day, eh? Are we near a full moon or what? Laughing Good gawd.

mis, I think we really have just the thing to cheer you up! Here

Izzie......It is always such a pleasure to come aboard your ship. There's always kind words and good fun....but no hurtful things are said here. Very refreshing.

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Reply Mon 28 Apr, 2008 09:29 pm
Hey Babbling - see that's why you crew with us...

we have the Very Best crew Very Happy

on that group hug - I think I may sleep now. Thanku x Very Happy

G'nite FriendShip x
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Reply Mon 28 Apr, 2008 09:51 pm
Goodnight Izzieliz. Good sleeping. ((xx))

Keep drawing brooke - you have amazing talent. Smile
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Reply Mon 28 Apr, 2008 10:00 pm
G'nite Izzie.

deedee....thank you. I can't imagine I'd ever stop drawing. Someday I see myself with a little blonde headed terror, just like me.....sitting beside me with her own easel. Drawing calms the spirit.

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Reply Mon 28 Apr, 2008 10:25 pm
Goodnight brooke. Smile
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Reply Tue 29 Apr, 2008 03:29 am
Smile Good morning beautiful people. - Deedee - I LOVE the pictures - you are so so talented.
Hi Brook - I am sorry that I missed seeing your talent - but I am sure it was wonderful too.
Mis - I cannot believe what a couple of weeks you have all had - snakes, games, poorly bubbas and the weight of the world - just know that we all love to hear how much you love your boys and you have the right priorities in your life - your kids - and you should be proud of that. I am crap at doing that mumsy thins - my girls go to boarding school during the week becasuse of my career and my husbands, so I miss all those great things that you do with the boys. - Not that my girls are sporty - oh no!! - Whatever we do, there is always a guilt for not being the best parent/wife/daughter/employee etc, but what we have to think is that we are doing our best. My kids are so so happy at school and having their independence, but that does not take guilt away. You are the best Mom in the world I am sure. Keep going hun and the world will keep rolling on!

Iz -sis - So glad you had fun with Bubba Bob - K enjoyed meeting him on Friday night - they went out drinking - with I and Crying G - how weird! - Anyway will catch up with you. Just to let you know that Tor is pregnant!!! I am going to be an Auntie again - she isn't telling Mum and dad until she is confident, after her miscarriage last year - I am sure she will be fine. - Tom and Liz expect their baby on Sat - so auntie again!!!

Steve - you must live so near me - I am the proverbial Essex girl - well, kind of - hopefully a lot more educated than our image implies!! - Give me a clue where you are!

Tulip - keep going - I know it has been getting harder in some ways as people move on and you stay still, but you are doing brilliantly and you are so naturally beautiful that I am sure the support will come to you.

Dutchy - my main man - keep missing you honey pie, but I will definitely be doing the Charleston with you tomorrow night babe - and I am so happy you are having the long awaited rains down under!!

Have a good day guys - FQ
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Reply Tue 29 Apr, 2008 03:34 am
Hi crew wherever you are, not at all impressed what I have just read on TTH thread, where she announces she is quitting the forum. Very proud of a number of members of the crew who stuck up for her, I won't mention any names but I was blown away by your empathy.

I can fully understand TTH's frustrations and the reason why she is quitting. For reasons unknown to me, she has lost her pm privileges, and I defend the right of whoever runs this site should be able to invoke such measures where a member transgresses the rules, providing they tell that member what he/she has done wrong, perhaps even adding for how long this suspension will last.

I personally have played the threads with TTH from the times she joined and have had regular contact with her, I have always enjoyed her company and we have always have had lots of fun, never a cross word.

TTH has told me she has no idea why she lost her privileges, was never told the reasons! She has tried to find out but was unable to do so. If this is true, and I have no reason to doubt her as I have found her to be scrupulously honest in her dealings with me, she has ,in my opinion, not had a "fair go".

I re-iterate anyone who breaks the rules can expect punishment, but before such punishment is meted out the person involved should be told where he/she has gone wrong. If this is not done, as claimed by TTH, the system is wrong and no wonder she has got frustrated over a period of time over what she feels is an injustice, and I totally agree with her if those are the facts.

A real shame to lose such a valuable member of the crew, we all make mistakes in our lives, but to pounce on her like a lot of people have done without delving into the underlying reasons for her quitting, sickens me, hence I stand up for her and be counted.

Any comments coming my way will be like water running of a ducks back, Dutchy has a hide as thick as a Rhino and couldn't care one iota.
TTN, have another crack at the trivial threads dear, don't worry about those pm's, there are other ways of keeping in contact with the crew members here.
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Black tulip
Reply Tue 29 Apr, 2008 03:51 am
Dutchy that was really well written, I didn't understand what was going and felt so disappointed this has happened. I thought this forum was for people who needed help, advise, support etc etc. It is sad that people say nasty things, maybe I don't know the full story and I don't think I want to. But we need to treat other people as we want to be treated.
Crying or Very sad Sad X
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Steve 41oo
Reply Tue 29 Apr, 2008 04:02 am
Izzie wrote:

Hey Stevie - have you been off cycling today? Do you cycle to work? When is the next match - I'm not too good with the footie stuff these days and never know who is playing when and where? I know they have to play a return match????? (I think!) Laughing
Went out on Sunday...did about 50 miles, maybe a bit more. I'm getting fed up with the weather...I only have to think about biking anywhere and it starts raining. Maybe I should offer my services as a rain-maker in parts of Africa?

Footie...you are learning my dear girl! Yes there is a return match, between Manchester United and Barcelona the second leg of the semifinal of the European Cup competition, otherwise known as the Champions League. ITS TONIGHT AND ON TELLY ITV1 7.45 PM. The first leg last week at Barcelona ended 0:0 so it is winner takes all. Utd have the advantage playing at home, but in the event of a draw, away goals count double, so Barcelona win. The winner goes on to play in the final in Moscow next month.

Would you believe it I have to go out tonight? So I'll set up my steam powered video and try and record it. I could be relying on you for a full match report!
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Reply Tue 29 Apr, 2008 06:12 am
Good Morning Crew

FQsis - so brill to see you. TORTOISE is pregnant - gosh, I am so praying that all will be well this time. She and J must be so anxious. Let me know when Ma&Pa have been told. Thinking of T-bro too - OMGosh Shocked Very Happy (hey sis - it's weird reading your words to Missy - knowing we havent talked in a few days and seeing my words in your typing - we are way way way too in touch with one another - so laughing - think Missy will see just how alike we are and how we even speak the same words Laughing )

BEAgle - happy to see you hunni. Will catch up with you in a mo hun - need to go and get some foooooooooooooood! (ugh)

Well, Stevie - it's chucking it down here too today - absolutely torrential! Don't think its good cycling weather in Devon. So will don the hat and scarf for the match tonite - C'MON THE "U" (is that what they say? Rolling Eyes ) and send them posivibes. Heck - may even put the scarf on now - it's chilly here.

WW - hope all is k at work today - halfway thru the week and you are doing it. This ship and crew are all about support and friendship. We see as we find - we don't know the past and aren't "in the know" for things that have have/are happening - but here and on the forum there are many many good folk. Please don't let anyone dishearten you and please don't read stuff that is going to set you back - just focus on you right now. TTHun knows where we are. Just you concentrate on you and have some fun on the trivia threads. Your thread rooms have wonderful support too - so keep talking - they are really good folk - just like the crew and A2K as a whole.

RK - I saw your post on the music thread. I'm sorry it was a bad day for you yesterday too. I think we were all a little bemused by the suddeness - as I say - we don't know everything - we only know what we know. Keep yer chin up.

Today is a new day - and we sail. C'mon everyone - let's head out to sea. Very Happy
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Reply Tue 29 Apr, 2008 07:10 am

Hey crew - Don't let's all be sad today - there is rain in Oz and there is sunshine ( ish) in the UK - We have all got to realise that there are some real friendships that have arisen from the threads and the yabberliner and we should be gratelful that we have the chance to meet people from all over the globe to share our life experiences with.
TTH - I am sorry for any injustice if that is what has happened, but like all bad things in one's lives, you will find out who your true friends are and how to move on and also what is important to you.
We all have to realise that there will be people out there who will exploit a situation or try to manipulate, but remember this is far outweighed by those who are genuine and true and really look out for you. That is the blessing we have.

To all on the ship - sail safely and happily and know that our lives are all transitory and that those we meet along the way whether in real form or virtual help us to mould ourselves into who we are. What you all need to take from this is not what has been said or how you have been treated, unfairly or not, but HOW you choose to react to it - that is the true mark of a person - rise above and knwo that the people who really matter know you for what you really are.

Here endeth the lesson!!! - Smile in your soul and let it go
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Reply Tue 29 Apr, 2008 07:14 am
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww heck - now I know why you're my soulmate sis. I love you Razz
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Reply Tue 29 Apr, 2008 07:27 am
You are both precious...

Good to see you FQ - thanks for your sweet words. Both you and Izzie are indeed a HUGE encouragement. Loves ya' both! Thanks so much!

Dutchy - good to see you as well...a wise and kind heart is hard to find and yet we have one here amongst us...several actually.

I don't have a lot to say this morning. I just wanted to come in and say hello to you all. so Hello!

Hope you all are having a wonderful day, those that are ending their day that it was good and that you rest well...and those of us just beginning that we just do the next thing to the best of our ability and look back on it when we lay our heads down and smile. Wish that for all of us!

see y'all latah

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Reply Tue 29 Apr, 2008 07:38 am
Smile - I mean what I say Mis - when you stand back from afar and see wonderful characters on board, it is easy not to be clouded. You really do have the right priorities in your life and your family sounds fantastic and you are doing a great job. Just believe in you and yours and have a smile on your face knowing that we all think you are brill.
Izzie is indeed the best - I have known her since the day I was born and she is closer to me that anyone in the world- it is just scary that there are 2 of us in the world!! - Love you sis!!
Dutchy - you are the patriach of the a2k site and we all love your words of wisdom and your genuine sense of caring - Don't let the anger eat into you - there will always be injustice.........let's just all hold on to the good and true.

Have fab day/night you guys

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Reply Tue 29 Apr, 2008 08:04 am
Wandel wrote;


I hope that you and Tryagain can urge TTH to stay. Tryagain goes back a long way with TTH and knows her better than anyone (except her husband)

Correction: Better; he could never do the 360 tail spin! :wink:

Have a good day allÂ… Razz
0 Replies
Reply Tue 29 Apr, 2008 08:46 am
Both TTH and I have said that Tryagain is hard to figure out sometimes! Smile
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